Przetłumacz zdania na język angielski. Użyj czasów Present Simple i Present continuous.
1.O której godzinie jest otwarta biblioteka w tygodniu? 2.Jacob ogląda mecz piłki nożnej w telewizji. 3.Zwolnij! Jedziesz za szybko! 4.W tym tygodniu Jason przygotowuje się do zawodów pływackich. 5.Karen mieszka w Londynie i studiuje tam medycynę. 6.Jak często chodzisz na siłownię? 7.Oni często widują się ze swoimi przyjaciółmi wieczorami. 8. Przepraszam, szukam banku. 9.W następnym tygodniu Monika leci do Aten. 10.Czy potrzebujesz laptopa w tym momencie?
Proszę o nie tłumaczenie w TŁUMACZU.
magdaxD1231. When does library open during working days? 2. Jacob's watching a football match in TV. 3. Slow down! You're riding too fast 4. This week Jason's preparing to swimming contest. 5. Karen lives in London and she studies medicine there. 6. How often do you visit gym 7. They often meet with their friends at evenings. 8. Excuse me, I'm looking for bank. 9. Monika flies to Athens next week. 10. Do You need laptop right Now
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1. When does library open during working days? 2. Jacob's watching a football match in TV. 3. Slow down! You're riding too fast! 4. This week Jason's preparing to swimming contest. 5. Karen lives in London and she studies medicine there. 6. How often do you visit gym? 7. They often meet with their friends at evenings. 8. Excuse me, I'm looking for bank. 9. Monika's flying to Athens next week. 10. Do you need laptop right now?
2. Jacob's watching a football match in TV.
3. Slow down! You're riding too fast
4. This week Jason's preparing to swimming contest.
5. Karen lives in London and she studies medicine there.
6. How often do you visit gym
7. They often meet with their friends at evenings.
8. Excuse me, I'm looking for bank.
9. Monika flies to Athens next week.
10. Do You need laptop right Now
2. Jacob's watching a football match in TV.
3. Slow down! You're riding too fast!
4. This week Jason's preparing to swimming contest.
5. Karen lives in London and she studies medicine there.
6. How often do you visit gym?
7. They often meet with their friends at evenings.
8. Excuse me, I'm looking for bank.
9. Monika's flying to Athens next week.
10. Do you need laptop right now?