1. Wczoraj nasza drużyna jak zwykle przegrała ważny mecz piłkarski. 2. Kiedy wróciłem bardzo późno do domu, mama straciła panowanie nad sobą i zaczęła głośno krzyczeć nade mną. 3. On spędza dużo czasu grając w gry komputerowe. Nic dziwnego ze stracił zainteresowanie piłką nożną. 4. Pani Wilson poszła do centrum handlowego z 2 letnim synem, nagle straciła go z oczu, ponieważ było dużo ludzi. 5. Ona wygląda teraz bardzo ładnie, straciła na wadze i jest bardzo zgrabna. 6. Oni zgubili się w lesie, ale policja szybko ich znalazła. 7. Mój dziadek powoli traci pamięć i nie pamięta co robił wczoraj.
Proszę o szybkie rozwiązanie!!!
KKCoookie111) Yesterday, our team lost the football game, as usual. 2) When I returned home late, my mother lost control and began to scream loudly at me. 3) He spends a lot of time playing computer games. No wonder he lost interest in football. 4) Mrs. Wilson went to the shopping centre with her 2 year old son, suddenly she stopped looking at him, because there were a lot of people. 5) She looks very nicely now, she lost weight and is very slim. 6) They got lost in the woods, but police the police found them quickly. 7) My grandfather's slowly losing his memory and doesn't remember what he did yesterday.
2) When I returned home late, my mother lost control and began to scream loudly at me.
3) He spends a lot of time playing computer games. No wonder he lost interest in football.
4) Mrs. Wilson went to the shopping centre with her 2 year old son, suddenly she stopped looking at him, because there were a lot of people.
5) She looks very nicely now, she lost weight and is very slim.
6) They got lost in the woods, but police the police found them quickly.
7) My grandfather's slowly losing his memory and doesn't remember what he did yesterday.