Przetłumacz zdania na j. angielski w czasie Present Prerfect. Mieszkamy w Warszawie od 10 lat. NIe byłem w Angili od roku 1975. Pan Brouwn pracuje w banku od 20 lat. Nie rozmawialiśmy z Janem od poniedziałku. Mary nietelefonowała od wczoraj wieczorem. Znam państwa Brovn od zeszłego lata. Nie widzieliśmy się od lat. Studenci są tu od godizny 10. Wilsomowie właśnie zatelefonowali, alby powiedzieć, żę nie przyjdą. Skończyliśmy już pracę i idziemy do domu. Proszę o szybkie rozwiązanie, dam naj ;).
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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We have lived in Warsaw for ten years. I haven't been in England since 1975. Mr Brown has worked in bank for twenty years. We haven't talked with Jan since Monday. Mary has called since yesterday evening. I have known the Browns since last summer. We haven't seen since years. Students have been here since 10 a.m.. The Wilsons have just called that they won't come here. We have just finished work and we are going to house.
We have lived in Warsaw 10 years.
I haven't was in England since 1975.
Mr. Brown has worked in bank 20 years.
I haven't talked with John on Monday.
Mary hasn't called me from yesterday evening.
I have knew state Brown since last summer.
We haven't saw us for years.
Students have were here from 10 o'clock.
Wilsons have just telephoned, to said, that they doesn't come.
We have finished work and we going home.