Przetłumacz zdania na angielski: 1) Jestem uczulony na psy, dlatego też nie mam żadnego psa. 2) Pomimo bólu w nodze, Tom ukończył maraton. 3) Zdecydowaliśmy się kupić ten dom, chociaż był bardzo drogi. 4) Prawie nikogo nie znam w miasteczku, oprócz Williama i ciebie. 5) Jeszcze nie wygraliśmy, jednak wciąż będziemy próbować. 6) Pomimo tego, ze aplikował na różne posady, Tom jest wciąż bezrobotny. 7) Chcieliby mieć dzieci, ale z drugiej strony nie chcą rezygnować z wolności
1) I am allergic to dogs, therefore I have no dog. 2) in spite of pain in the leg, Tom finished the marathon. 3) we decided to buy this house, although was very expensive. 4) I don't know hardly anyone in the small town, apart from William and you. 5) not yet we won, however still we will be trying. 6) in spite of it, around he administered for different jobs, Tom is still unemployed. 7) they would like to have children, but from the other side don't want to give liberties up
licze na naj ;D
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1) I'm allergic to dogs, so I have no dog.2) Despite the pain in his leg, Tom completed a marathon.3) We decided to buy this house, although it was very expensive.4) Almost do not know anyone in town, in addition to William and you.5) Not yet won, but we still try.6) Despite the fact that had applied for various jobs, Tom is still unemployed.7) Do you want to have children, but on the other hand do not want to give up freedom Mam nadzieję , że pomogłam :D
2) in spite of pain in the leg, Tom finished the marathon.
3) we decided to buy this house, although was very expensive.
4) I don't know hardly anyone in the small town, apart from William and you.
5) not yet we won, however still we will be trying.
6) in spite of it, around he administered for different jobs, Tom is still unemployed.
7) they would like to have children, but from the other side don't want to give liberties up
licze na naj ;D
Mam nadzieję , że pomogłam :D