Przetłumacz zdania na angielski. (używając czasów: past simple ; past countionus) 1.Padało, kiedy się zbudziłem. 2.Oni czytali czasopisma, kiedy przyszliśmy. 3.Właśnie czekaliśmy na autobus, kiesy zdarzył się wypadek. 4.Słońce świeciło przez cały ranek. 5.Ona odrabiała pracę domową przez całe popołudnie. 6.Pracowaliśmy cieżko przez cały dzień wczoraj. 7. Słuchałem muzyki, podczas gdy oni bawili się w ogrodzie. 8.Co robiles przez cały dzień wczoraj? 9.Kiedy zadzwoniłes, sprzątałem w swoim pokoju. 10.Czekalem na twoj telefon przez cały dzien wczoraj. 11.Maty i John rozmawiali z nauczycielem, kiedy wszedłem. 12.Szedłem do kina kiedy ja spotkałem. 13.Siedzieliśmy w parku, kiedy zaczelo padac. 14. Oni pływali w jeziorze, kiedy zobaczyliśmy ich. 15.Ona grała na gitarze, podczas gdy my uczyliśmy się. 16.Uczyłem się, kiedy mój ojciec wszedł do pokoju, 17. Kiedy brałem kąpiel, zadzwonił telefon. 18.Jedliśmy obiad, kiedy oni przyjechali. 19.Kiedy wychodziłem z domu przyszedł listonosz. 20.Kiedy wróciłem do domu, moja mama gotowała obiad. Z góry dzięki! ;)
1. It was raining when I woke up 2. They were reading magazines when we arrived 3 We were waiting for the bus when the accident happened 4 Sun was shining all morning 5 She was doing homework all evening 6 We were working hard all day yesterday 7 I was listening to music while they were playing in the garden 8 What were you doing all day yesterday? 9 When you called I was tiding up my room 10 I was waiting for your call all day yesterday 11 Matty and John were talking to the teacher when I came in 12 Ii was going to the cinema when I met her 13 We were sitting in the park when it started to rain 14 They were swimming in the lake when we saw them 15 She was playing the guitar while we were studying 16 I was studying when my father came into the room 17 When I was taking a bath, the phone rang 18 We were having dinner when the arrived 19 When I was leaving the house the postman came 20 When I got back home, my mom was cooking dinner
2. They were reading magazines when we arrived
3 We were waiting for the bus when the accident happened
4 Sun was shining all morning
5 She was doing homework all evening
6 We were working hard all day yesterday
7 I was listening to music while they were playing in the garden
8 What were you doing all day yesterday?
9 When you called I was tiding up my room
10 I was waiting for your call all day yesterday
11 Matty and John were talking to the teacher when I came in
12 Ii was going to the cinema when I met her
13 We were sitting in the park when it started to rain
14 They were swimming in the lake when we saw them
15 She was playing the guitar while we were studying
16 I was studying when my father came into the room
17 When I was taking a bath, the phone rang
18 We were having dinner when the arrived
19 When I was leaving the house the postman came
20 When I got back home, my mom was cooking dinner