Tylko żeby miały sens. bo z nich musze napisać opis obrazka.
1. Opisałam obrazek.
2. Znajdował się on na 62 str podręcznika "Switch into English "
3. Był prostokątny.
4. Na obrazku był wilkołak, starzec, kobieta i dwójka dziewczynek.
5. Było tam takze duże okno, otwarte drzwi, kominek.
6. Kobieta stała w drzwiach miała rude włosy, była ubrana na czarno.
7. Starzec miał skrzywioną twarz i fioletowy płaszcz na sobie. Wyrzucał w góre piłeczkę.
8. Wilkołak w zielonych spodniach, fioletowej koszuli, cały był obrośniety
czarnymi włosami. Uciekał z pokoju.
9. Dwie dziewczynki czesały swoje włosy.
10. Obok nich leżała maskotka.
11. Nad nimi wisiało lusterko.
12. W salonie leżał duży pomarańczowy dywan.
13. Widać było się palący kominek.
13. To był dziwny obrazek.
14. Przedstawiał scene z horroru i komedi.
15. Ale i tak mi się podobał.
16. Ten kto go rysował musiał mieć poczucie humoru.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. I described a picture.
2. It was on page 62 in the student's book "Switch into English"
3.It was rectangular
4. On the picture there was a man-wolf, an old man, a woman and two little girls.
5. There also was a big window, an opened door and a fireplace.
6. The woman was standing in the door, she had red hair and was dressed in black.
7. The old man had a twisted face, he was wearing a purple coat. He was throwing up a little ball.
8. The man-wolf in green trousers and purple shirt, was whole covered with black hair. He was running away from the room.
9. The two little girls were combing their hair.
10. There was a mascot lying next to them.
11. Above them there was hanging a mirror.
12. In the living room there was lying a big orange carpet.
13. We could see a burning fireplace.
14. It was a scene from a horror and a comedy.
15. I liked it anyway.
16. The person who painted it, must have had a great sense of humour.
1.I described the picture
2.It was on page 62 in "Switch into English " book
3. It was rectangular
4.In the picture I could see a werewolf, the old man and a womanand twogirls.
5.There wasalsoa large window, open doors and fireplace.
6.A woman was standing in the doorway. Her hair was red (ginger) and she was wearing black clothes
7.The old man has his face twisted and he was wearing violet coat.He was throwingthe ballupwards.
8. Werewolf was wearing green trousers,violet shirt and he was all hairy. Running out of the room
9. Two girls were combing their hair
10. Macot was laying next to them
11. The mirror was hunging above them
12. There was huge and orange carpet in the living room
13. This picture was weird
14.It presented horror and comedy scene
15. But even though it was strange I liked it
16.The one whodrewitmust have had a senseof humor.