Przetłumacz zdania na angielski (bez ttlanslatorów i innych głupot bo zgłosze)
1.Moi znajomi grają teraz w piłkę nożną. 2.Co Ty pijesz? 3.Patrz, twój kot zjada mysz 4.Dlaczego mnie nie słuchasz? 5.Tomek nie może rozmawiac z tobą bo bierze prysznic 6.W tym momencie odrabiam prace domową i słucham muzyki.
Zgłoś nadużycie!
1. My friends are playing football now. 2. What are you drinking? 3.Look, your cat is eating a mouse. 4. Why aren't you listening to me? 5. Tomek can't talk with you because he is taking a shower. 6. I'm doing homework and listening music at the moment.
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1. My friends are playing football now. 2. What do you drink? 3. Look, your cat is eating a mouse. 4. Why you don't listen to me? 5. Tomek can't talk with you, because he's having a shower. 6. I am doing my homework and listen to music now albo At the moment I am doing my homework and listen to music. Oba są dobrze :)
2. What are you drinking?
3.Look, your cat is eating a mouse.
4. Why aren't you listening to me?
5. Tomek can't talk with you because he is taking a shower.
6. I'm doing homework and listening music at the moment.
2. What do you drink?
3. Look, your cat is eating a mouse.
4. Why you don't listen to me?
5. Tomek can't talk with you, because he's having a shower.
6. I am doing my homework and listen to music now albo At the moment I am doing my homework and listen to music. Oba są dobrze :)