1.Jeśli ona nie zacznie oszczędzać pieniędzy nie pojedzie na wakacje. 2.Gdybyś oszczędzał energię planeta była by lepszym miejscem do życia. 3.Co byś zrobił gdybyś zobaczył pająka? 4.Co zrobisz jeśli nie zdasz tego egzaminu? 5.Gdybym była tobą uczyłabym się języków obcych.
1.If she doesn't start saving money she doesn't go on vacation. 2.If you had spare energy to the planet a better place to live. 3.What would you do if you saw a spider? 4.What will you do if you don't pass this exam? 5.If I were you i will learn languages.
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1 If she did't started spare money she will not come to holiday 2. If you spared energie planet that she will be a best place for live. 3. What do you do if you saw a spider? 4. What do you do If you failes this egzam? 5. if I were you I will lern a foreign language
2.If you had spare energy to the planet a better place to live.
3.What would you do if you saw a spider?
4.What will you do if you don't pass this exam?
5.If I were you i will learn languages.
2. If you spared energie planet that she will be a best place for live.
3. What do you do if you saw a spider?
4. What do you do If you failes this egzam?
5. if I were you I will lern a foreign language