1. Dziś jest wtorek, prawda? 2. Nie boję się ciemności. 3. Oni nie widzieli jeszcze tego filmu, prawda? 4. Ogólnie mówiąc, zdrowie jest ważniejsze niż pieniądze. 5. To nie może być jego dom. 6. Musisz być bardzo zmęczona. 7. Oni nie mieszkają w Paryżu prawda? 8. To może zabrać dużo czasu. 9. Uczciwość jest dla mnie bardzo ważna. 10. Twój tata pochodzi z Irlandii, prawda?
1. Today is Tuesday, isn't it? 2. I'm not afraid of the darkness. 3. They haven't seen this movie yet, have they? 4. Generally speaking, health is more important than money. 5. It can't be his house. 6. You must be very tired. 7.They don't live in Paris, do they? 8. It might take a lot of time. 9. Honesty is very important for me. 10. Your dad is from Ireland, isn't he?
2. I'm not afraid of the darkness.
3. They haven't seen this movie yet, have they?
4. Generally speaking, health is more important than money.
5. It can't be his house.
6. You must be very tired.
7.They don't live in Paris, do they?
8. It might take a lot of time.
9. Honesty is very important for me.
10. Your dad is from Ireland, isn't he?