Przetłumacz zdania : 1. co lubisz robic w wolnym czasie 2. olivia i ania nie są bliskimi przyjaciółkami są tylko znajomymi 3. kiedy ostatnio się z kimś pokłóciłeś 4. z kim w klasie masz dobre relacje 5. tom nie dotrzymał słowa a teraz jest uziemiony i nie wolno mu iść na żadną prywatkę do końca miesiąca 6 czy mógłbyś mi pożyczyć trochę pieniędzy 7. chciałbym cię zaprosić na przyjęcie w piątk 15 lipca o godzinie 19 8. daj mi proszę znać czy uda ci się przyjść
1. What do you like doing in your free time? 2. Olivia and Ania aren't close friends, they are just 3. When was the last time you had argued with somebody? 4. Which one of your classmates do you get along well with? 5. Tom wasn't true to his word and now he's grounded and he isn't allowed to go to any party by the end of the month. 6. Could you lend me some money? 7. I would like to invite you to a party on Friday, i.e. 15th July, at 7 p.m. 8. Please, let me know if you manage to come.
2. Olivia and Ania aren't close friends, they are just
3. When was the last time you had argued with somebody?
4. Which one of your classmates do you get along well with?
5. Tom wasn't true to his word and now he's grounded and he isn't allowed to go to any party by the end of the month.
6. Could you lend me some money?
7. I would like to invite you to a party on Friday, i.e. 15th July, at 7 p.m.
8. Please, let me know if you manage to come.