PRZETŁUMACZ Z POLSKIEGO NA ANGIELSKI DAJE NAJ 1.Posłuchajmy jakiś starych piosenek. 2.Czy chciałbyś trochę zupy jarzynowej. 3.Czy jest trochę sera? Chciałbym trochę. 4.Nie mam ze sobą żadnej ciepłej odzieży. 5.Nie mamy żadnego zadania domowego. 6.Czy masz jakieś stare gazety ? 7.Nie mamy żadnego chleba. 8.Nie ma żadnych wilków w lesie. 9.Nie ma żadnej wody w tej starej studni.
Let's listen to some old songs Would you like some soup Is there some cheese? I would like a little I do not have with them any warm clothes. We do not have any homework. Do you have some old newspapers? We have no bread There are no wolves in the forest.There is no water in the old well.
Would you like some soup
Is there some cheese? I would like a little
I do not have with them any warm clothes.
We do not have any homework.
Do you have some old newspapers?
We have no bread
There are no wolves in the forest.There is no water in the old well.