Przetłumacz z języka polskiego na angielski PROSZE!!!!!!!! Leonardo da Vinci urodził się we Włoszech, niedaleko Florencji, w wiosce Anchiano w sobotę 15 kwietnia 1452 roku.Leonardo pochodził z nieprawego związku, wychowywali go starzy dziadkowie i ojciec. Był uzdolnionym malarzem, choć więcej rysował niż malował, o czym świadczą wspaniałe i niezwykłe prace. Zajmował się również rzeźbiarstwem oraz architekturą. Był także teoretykiem sztuki, filozofem, konstruktorem. Wszystkie zawody Leonarda świadczą wg mnie o tym, że był wszechstronnym i najdoskonalszym artystą, humanistą i prawdziwym przedstawicielem epoki renesansu, w której żył. W latach 1472-1482 powstały jego cztery słynne obrazy: Chrzest Chrystusa, Zwiastowanie, Święty Hieronim i Hołd Trzech Króli. Jak widać wszystkie prace mają charakter religijny.Najsławniejszymi obrazami malarza był portret Damy z łasiczką, który znajduje się obecnie w Muzeum Czartoryskich w Krakowie, Madonny wśród skał, Madonny Littej i oczywiście Mony Lizy. Mona Lisa – zwana też Giocondą, niewielki, 77 cm wysoki i 53 cm szeroki obraz olejny namalowany na topolowej desce – to najsłynniejszy, najbardziej znany, podziwiany i najlepiej strzeżony obraz świata.Duże znaczenie miały w jego twórczości rysunki traktowane jako działanie wspierające procesy badawcze. Leonardo przeprowadzał sekcje zwłok i sporządzał szkice ludzkiej anatomii, by później na ich podstawie malować obrazy. Spod jego ręki wyszedł również rysunek płodu w macicy. Zmarł w Amboise we Francji 2 maja 1519 roku.Wybrałam Leonarda da Vinci, dlatego że dokonał bardzo wiele dla ludzkości. Jego obrazy nadal zadziwiają pokolenia. Uważam go za jednego z największych geniuszy cywilizacji. Łączył w sposób harmonijny indywidualność wielkiego artysty z wielką wiedzą uczonego. Wiem że to trude ale daje naj!!!! PROSZE O POMOC!!!!
tiktakowa159Leonardo daVinciwas bornin Italy,near Florence,in the village ofAnchianoon Saturday,April 15, 1452roku.Leonardocame fromillegitimaterelationship,oldgrandparentsraisedhimandhis father.He was atalentedpainter, butmoredrawingthanpainting, as evidenced bya wonderfuland unusualworks.He alsosculptureand architecture.He was also anarttheorist, philosopher,builder.All competitionsLeonardtestifybymethatwascomprehensive andthe most perfectartist,humanistanda truerepresentative ofthe Renaissance,in which he lived.In the years1472-1482establishedhis fourfamouspaintings:The Baptismof Christ, theAnnunciation,St. JeromeandHomageof the Magi.As you can seeall the worksarepaintingsreligijny.Najsławniejszymiwas a portraitpainter,Ladywith an Ermine, whichis now in theCzartoryski Museumin Krakow,Madonnaamong the rocks,MadonnaLitteand of coursethe Mona Lisa.MonaLisa -also known asLa Gioconda, a small, 77cmhigh and53 cmwidepaintedoil paintingonpoplarpanel-is the most famous,mostwell-known, admiredand best-guardedimageświata.Dużeimportance werethedrawingsof his workas an effortto supportresearch processes.Leonardocarried out theautopsiesanddrew upsketches ofhuman anatomyand lateron the basis ofpainting pictures.His handcame outfrom undertheimageof the fetus inthe uterus.He died atAmboisein France,May 2, 1519roku.WybrałamLeonardo da Vinci, because hehasa lotto humanity.His paintingscontinue toamazegenerations.I considerhim oneof the greatestgeniusesof civilization.He combinedin aharmoniouspersonalityof a great artistwith a greatknowledge ofthe scholar.
Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy, near Florence, in the village of Anchiano on Saturday, April 15, 1452 roku.Leonardo came from illegitimate relationship, old grandparents raised him and his father. He was a talented painter, but more drawing than painting, as evidenced by a wonderful and unusual works. He also sculpture and architecture. He was also an art theorist, philosopher, builder. All competitions Leonard testify by me that was comprehensive and the most perfect artist, humanist and a true representative of the Renaissance, in which he lived. In the years 1472-1482 established his four famous paintings: The Baptism of Christ, the Annunciation, St. Jerome and Homage of the Magi. As you can see all the works are paintings religijny.Najsławniejszymi was a portrait painter, Lady with an Ermine, which is now in the Czartoryski Museum in Krakow, Madonna among the rocks, Madonna Litte and of course the Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa - also known as La Gioconda, a small, 77 cm high and 53 cm wide painted oil painting on poplar panel - is the most famous, most well-known, admired and best-guarded image świata.Duże importance were the drawings of his work as an effort to support research processes. Leonardo carried out the autopsies and drew up sketches of human anatomy and later on the basis of painting pictures. His hand came out from under the image of the fetus in the uterus. He died at Amboise in France, May 2, 1519 roku.Wybrałam Leonardo da Vinci, because he has a lot to humanity. His paintings continue to amaze generations. I consider him one of the greatest geniuses of civilization. He combined in a harmonious personality of a great artist with a great knowledge of the scholar.
Leonardo da Vinci was born in Italy, near Florence, in the village of Anchiano on Saturday, April 15, 1452 roku.Leonardo came from illegitimate relationship, old grandparents raised him and his father. He was a talented painter, but more drawing than painting, as evidenced by a wonderful and unusual works. He also sculpture and architecture. He was also an art theorist, philosopher, builder. All competitions Leonard testify by me that was comprehensive and the most perfect artist, humanist and a true representative of the Renaissance, in which he lived. In the years 1472-1482 established his four famous paintings: The Baptism of Christ, the Annunciation, St. Jerome and Homage of the Magi. As you can see all the works are paintings religijny.Najsławniejszymi was a portrait painter, Lady with an Ermine, which is now in the Czartoryski Museum in Krakow, Madonna among the rocks, Madonna Litte and of course the Mona Lisa. Mona Lisa - also known as La Gioconda, a small, 77 cm high and 53 cm wide painted oil painting on poplar panel - is the most famous, most well-known, admired and best-guarded image świata.Duże importance were the drawings of his work as an effort to support research processes. Leonardo carried out the autopsies and drew up sketches of human anatomy and later on the basis of painting pictures. His hand came out from under the image of the fetus in the uterus. He died at Amboise in France, May 2, 1519 roku.Wybrałam Leonardo da Vinci, because he has a lot to humanity. His paintings continue to amaze generations. I consider him one of the greatest geniuses of civilization. He combined in a harmonious personality of a great artist with a great knowledge of the scholar.