Przetłumacz w czasie Simple Future
1.Ona będzie w Paryżu.
2.Jutro będę prawdopodobnie na plaży.
3.Myślę że ona zda egzamin.
4.Myślę że on wygra w tę grę .
5.Myślę że pogoda będzie ładna jutro.
6.Czy kupisz tę ładną czerwoną sukienkę?
7.Czy pożyczysz mi parę płyt ?
8.Nie pójdę do szkoły jutro.
9.Moja mama nie ugotuje obiadu.
10.Kiedy przyjdziesz do mnie?
11.Kiedy pojedziesz na wycieczkę .
12.Gdzie pojedziesz na wycieczkę.
13.Mój brat nie zagra w tenisa.
14.Ty nie będziesz spał jutro .
15.On będzie miał 10 lat w przyszłym roku.
16.Ona nie znajdzie swojego klucza.
17.Czy pójdziesz do kina w sobotę .?
18.Czy on napisze list do swojego przyjaciele?
19.On nie napisze listu do swojego przyjaciela.
20.Ona będzie w teatrze jutro.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. She will be in Paris.
2. She probably will be on a beach tomorrow.
3. I think she'll pass the exam.
4. I think he'll win in this game.
5. I think the weather will be fine tomorrow.
6. Will you buy this pretty red dress?
7. Will you borrow me a few CDs?
8. I won't go to school tomorrow.
9. My mom won't cook the dinner.
10. When will you come to me?
11. When will you go on a trip?
12. Where will you go on a trip?
13. My brother won't play tennis.
14. You won't sleep tomorrow.
15. She'll be ten years old in next year.
16. She won't find her key.
17. Will you go to the cinema on Saturday?
18. Will he write any letter to his friend?
19. He won't write any letter to his friend.
20. She'll be in theater tomorrow.
1. She will be in Paris.
2. I probably will be on the beach tomorrow.
3. I think she will pass the exam.
4. I think he will win this game.
5. I think the weather will be nice tomorrow.
6. Will you buy this beautiful red dress?
7. Will you lend me some CDs?
8. I won't go to school tomorrow.
9. My mom won't cook dinner today.
10. When will you visit me?
11. When will you go on a trip?
12. Where will you go on a trip?
13. My brother won't play tennis.
14. You will not sleep tomorrow.
15. He will be 10 years old next year.
16. She won't find her key.
17. Will you go to the cinema on Saturday?
18. Will he write a letter to his friend?
19. He won't write a letter to his friend.
20. She will be in the theater tomorrow.