przetumacz używając present continious
1oni teraz uczą się angielskiego
2. moja mama myje teraz okna
, 3.oni się śmieją w tym momencie
4, jutro ran umyje samochud
5muj kot pije teraz mleko
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. They are learning English now.
2. My mum is washing the windows now.
3. They are laughing at the moment.
4. Ran is going to wash a car tomorrow. ( jeśli zdanie brzmi "jutro Ran umyje samochód")
I am going to wash a car tomorrow morning. (jeśli zdanie brzmi "jutro rano umyję samochód")
5. My cat is drinking milk now.
2. My mother is washing windows now.
3. They are laughing at the moment.
4. I'm going to wash car tomorrow morning.
5. My cat is drink milk now.