Przetłumacz to; Bardzo mi przykrzykro słyszeć o twoich problemach i dlatego postaram ci się udzielić kilka rad dzięki którym być może osiągniesz sukces. myśle że powinnaś więcej ćwiczyć grę w siatkówkę, przez co zdobędziesz więcej umiejętności i będziesz lepszym zawodnikiem. może weś udział w kastingu do innej drużyny, wydaje mi się ża tam powinnaś się dostać, wkońcu jesteś bardzo dobrym zawodnikiem. Może powinnaśpoprosić brata o naukę gry. Myślę że udzielone przezemnie rady będą ci pomocne czekam na lits od ciebie (marcin)
jak czcesz to możesz to trochę ulepszyć albo troche pozmieniać np(rady) PS nie z translatora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
I'm very sorry to hear about your problems and therefore I will try to give you some advice so that you may attain success. I think that you should practice more of a game of volleyball, so that you get more skills and you'll be a better jumper. Can take part in the casting of another team, it seems to me that you should get there in the end you are very good jumper. Maybe you should ask your brother to learn the game. I think that given my advice will help you. Waiting for a letter from you.
Regards, Martin.
Minimalnie pozmieniałam. ;)) pozdrawiam.
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I'm sorry to hear about your problems, so I'll try to give you some advices, which will help you to achieve success. I think you should train volleyball more, that will help you to improve your abilities and make you better player. Maybe you could try to take part in casting to other team? I think you will be accepted there, at last you are excellent player! Maybe you should ask your brother for training with you? I think these advices will be helpful and I'm looking forward to get a reply.
Regards, Martin.
Minimalnie pozmieniałam. ;))
I think you should train volleyball more, that will help you to improve your abilities and make you better player.
Maybe you could try to take part in casting to other team? I think you will be accepted there, at last you are excellent player!
Maybe you should ask your brother for training with you?
I think these advices will be helpful and I'm looking forward to get a reply.