Przetłumacz ten tekst na angielski DAJE NAJ ZA NAJLEPSZĄ ODPOWIEĆ Cześć Ola, Co ty teraz robisz? Ja jestem w samochodzie na autostradzie. Jadę z tatą do Karpacza. Karpacz to nie duże miasteczko w górach. My zamierzamy zatrzymać się w Spa Lubię chodzić po górach. W piątek jedziemy do Pragi Słyszałem że to jest duże i bardzo ładne miasto. Jest tam dużo zabytków. W sobotę zwiedzimy Skalne miasto, Wracamy w niedziele Do zobaczenia w poniedziałek w szkole Pozdro, xyz.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Ola. What are you doing now? I am o the car on the highway. I m going with my dad to the Karpacz. Karpacz is village in mountains. We are going to sleep on the Spa. I like walk to the mountains. On friday we are going to Praga. I heard that is very beautifull and big city. There are a lot of monuments. On Saturday we visit Skalne City. I come back on sunday.
See you on Monday at school.
Love XYZ
Hi Ola, what are you doing now? I'm in the car on the highway. I'm going with my dad to Karpacz. Karpacz is not a large town in the mountains. We are going to stay at the Spa I like to walk in the mountains. On Friday we go to Prague, I've heard that it is a large and very nice town. There are a lot of monuments. On Saturday, visit the rock town, go back on Sunday to see you Monday at school cheers, xyz.