Przetłumacz tekst z JĘZYKA POLSKIEGO na JĘZYK ANGIELSKI. Następnie napisz przepowiednie swojej kolezance w czasie future simple. Drogi przyjacielu! Pisze do ciebie poniewarz wiem ze chciałbyś się czegoś dowiedzieć o mojej szkole.U nas lekcje zaczynają się o usmej a kończą o trzynastej dwadzieścia. Wczasie przerw mamy czas na drugie śniadanie,pujście do toalety,gadanie ,wyjście przed szkołe gdy jest ciepło.W naszej szkole nauczyciele są bardzo mili i w każdej sprawie związanej z nauką ci pomogą.Nasza szkoła ma wiele zasad takich jak:zabrania się przynoszenia do szkoły przedmiotów cennch takich jak komórki,kolczyki,pierściąki i jeszcze inne.To tyle o mojej szkole.Dziękuje że mnie wysłuchałeś i teraz chciałabym żebyś mi napisał coś o swojej szkole.
Z góry dziękuje
Dear friend! Write to you because I know you want to learn something about my school.Tu lessons start at 8 pm and finish at thirteen twenty. During the breaks we have time for lunch, go to the toilet, talking, going from a school where warm.In our school teachers are very nice, and any issues related to science you pomogą.Our school has many rules such as: it is prohibited to raise the School of valuable items such as cells, earrings, rings and even that I heard the inne.9 nie wiem jak jest po ang. inne)Thank you and now I want you I wrote something about their school.
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Dear friend! He writes to you becouse I know you want to learn something about my szkole.U us lessons about eighth start and end of the thirteenth and twenty. Wczasie breaks we have time for lunch, pujście to the toilet, talking, going from school, when ciepło.W our school teachers are very nice and in each case related to the science you pomogą.Nasza school has many rules such as the prohibited bringing to school cennch objects such as cells, earrings, and even inne.To pierściąki so much for me that I heard the szkole.Dziękuje and now I want you I wrote something about their school.
Write to you because I know you want to learn something about my school.Tu lessons start at 8 pm and finish at thirteen twenty.
During the breaks we have time for lunch, go to the toilet, talking, going from a school where warm.In our school teachers are very nice, and any issues related to science you pomogą.Our school has many rules such as: it is prohibited to raise the School of valuable items such as cells, earrings, rings and even that I heard the inne.9 nie wiem jak jest po ang. inne)Thank you and now I want you I wrote something about their school.
He writes to you becouse I know you want to learn something about my szkole.U us lessons about eighth start and end of the thirteenth and twenty.
Wczasie breaks we have time for lunch, pujście to the toilet, talking, going from school, when ciepło.W our school teachers are very nice and in each case related to the science you pomogą.Nasza school has many rules such as the prohibited bringing to school cennch objects such as cells, earrings, and even inne.To pierściąki so much for me that I heard the szkole.Dziękuje and now I want you I wrote something about their school.