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Ja robię kilka przyjaznych rzeczy środowisku. Ja nie wyrzucam papierków na ulicę. Co roku chodzę na sprzątanie świata. Nigdy nie zostawiam włączonego światła. Często jeżdżę rowerem zamiast samochodem. Myśle że warto jest dbać o środowisko bo nigdy nie wiadomo co będzie za kilka lat.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I doa fewthingsenvironmentallyfriendly.I do notthrowpaperson the street.Every yearI go to thecleaningworld.Donotleave thelights on.OftenI ridea bikeinstead of driving.I thinkthatit is worthwhile totake care ofthe environmentbecause you never knowwhat will happenin a few years . myśle , że pomogłam
Proverb:"WhatJohnnydid not learnthatJohn will not know," saidthe people,whoas a young manisnot learned, and nowI suppose thisregret.I believethat scienceis usefuland in myworkI will trytoconfirmthat the
First,an adultwill not be ableto findthejobwithout havinganyknowledge ofwhat.Itisdifficult towork andrequiremore experienceorhigher education.
Second, thematerialtaught in theschools is verylarge andit would be difficultto developan adultwszytskoandwould ratherfinda jobas soon as possible, rather thanto porea long timebeforebooks.
I can notignorethe factsof thenovel by StefanŻeromskiwhereAndrewRadekwas nottaughtgood manners, becausethenit was veryvisible.
I thinkI'veshownagrumentypowierdzająthesis.I believe thateach ofus shouldacquireknowledge, whichin the futurewill use, and by whichwe cangetfarin life.
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