Sąd dał mu 10 lat wiezienia za napad na sklep.wróciliśmy szczęśliwie do domu i opowiedzieliśmy o dziwnym facecie który napadł na sklep.
Pewnego dnia mężczyzna wracał do domu. droga była czysta.Nagle jakaś dziewczyna w żółtym płaszczu wyszła na drogę.nie zdążył zahamować i ja potracił.Wyszedł z samochodu i zajrzał pod samochód lecz jej tam nie było poczuł tylko na twarzy zimny wiatr.Zadzwonił po Policje.Policjant powiedział mu ze to był duch pewnej kobiety która kiedyś zginęła i od tamtej pory kilka osób ją widziało.
The court gave him 10 years in prison for mugging the shop. We came back home happily and we told about a strange guy who mugged the shop.
One day a man returned home. The street was empty. Suddenly the girl in a yellow raincoat appeared on the road. The car didn't stop and knock her over.The man get off a car and look under the car, but she wasn't there. He only felt a cold wind on his face. He called the police. Policeman told him, that it was the spirit of a woman, who is lost, and since then some people saw her.
One day a man returned home. The street was empty. Suddenly the girl in a yellow raincoat appeared on the road. The car didn't stop and knock her over.The man get off a car and look under the car, but she wasn't there. He only felt a cold wind on his face. He called the police. Policeman told him, that it was the spirit of a woman, who is lost, and since then some people saw her.