October 2018 1 18 Report

Przetłumacz te zdania na angielski i w czasie Past Simple: 1.Kupiłem tą książkę w zeszłym tygodniu. 2.My odwiedziliśmy ich w zeszłym miesiącu. 3.Oni mieszkali tutaj, kiedy byli młodzi. 5.My nie pracowaliśmy w tej firmie dziesięć lat temu. 6.Jane nie ugotowała kolacji wczoraj. 7.Nie wiedziałem co robić. 8.Mój tato nie kupił nowego samochodu. 9.Czy oglądałeś wczoraj program telewizyjny.? 10.Jak dużo zapłaciłeś za nowy rower.? 11.Jaki prezent dałeś Mary na Święta.? 12.Kiedy widziałeś John.?

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Archaeologists think they have discovered a town which could be over 10,000 years old. It ...1... even be older, but they’re not certain yet. They have found beautiful cups, plates and bowls, which ...2... have been under the ground for more than 10,000 years. This is the most amazing discovery. One theory is that there ...3... have been a terrible flood which destroyed the town. The archaeologists are hoping that they ...4... be able to get DNA from some of the bones they’ve found, but they are unsure. Until recently scientists ...5... able to accurately date many ancient objects and bones, but new technology is making it easier to do. In the past, archaeologists ...6... make guesses about the age of things by looking at the soil they were buried in. Unfortunately, when this site was first discovered, they ...7... secure it and someone ...8... have given away information about the find. As a result several objects were stolen and everyone was very worried that everything would be destroyed. They knew they ...9... have secured the site immediately, but they didn’t have the money to do so. However, they ...10... have worried, because luckily a local businessman and keen amateur archaeologist donated £1million to protect the site. 1. A can B should C might 2. A must B can C had 3. A can B could C should 4. A must B were C may 5. A aren’t B can’t C weren’t 6. A must B had to C should 7. A needn’t B mustn’t C weren’t able to 8. A must B had C can’t 9. A had to B should C could 10. A can’t B needn’t C couldn’t

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