Przetłumacz poniższą legendę na język polski bez używania translatora. The tale of Lech, Czech and Rus •Long, long time ago when nowadays Poland was entirely covered with virgin woods, three brothers from unnamed lands of the West decided to go searching for the new places to settle. •After the long way they reached the edge of the forest. The view was breathtaking: endless meadows, juicy green hills, azure lakes full of fish of all kinds. •On the nearest hill grew the huge oak tree and in its crown Lech saw the nest of majestic white eagle. •Lech took it for a good omen and decided to found there his capital city and named it Gniezdno which may be translated as “The City of the Nest”. The two other brothers set off to find their own promised lands. The first one – Czech – went south and the second – Rus – chose east. •Lech’s white eagle became the symbol of his realm.