Przetłumacz podany tekst na język angielski : Po śniadaniu o siódmej trzydzieści Frank Dew jechał na rowerze na włamanie , była godzina dziewiąta piętnaście .Punktualnie o dziewiątej pięćdziesiąt wszedł przez okno do obcego domu aby go okraść, ale wystraszył go pies i uciekł . Gdy wracał o godzienie dziesiątej dwadzieścia złapał go policjant.
After breakfast, about seven-thirty Frank Dew rode a bicycle to burglary, was nine o'clock fifteen. Exactly at nine fifty came through the window into a foreign house to rob him, but it scared the dog and fled. When he came back with strikes ten twenty policeman caught him.
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After breakfast, about seven-thirty Frank Dew rode a bicycle to burglary, was nine o'clock fifteen. Exactly at nine fifty came through the window into a foreign house to rob him, but it scared the dog and fled. When he came back with strikes ten twenty policeman caught him.
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After breakfast about half past eight Frank Dew was driving on bicycle on burglary , was 9.15 a.m. Punctually about 9.15 a.m. entered through window to strange house to to rob him, but dog frightened him and he ran away . When he was coming back about 10.12 o'clock policeman caught him.