przetłumacz podane zdania - utwórz do nich pytania i przetłumacz
1. Jestem z Polski
2. Jestem Polką
3. My jesteśmy z Włoch
4. My jesteśmy Włochami
5.Ty jesteś z USA
6.Ty jesteś Amerykaninem
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Where are you from ?
I'm from poland.
2. Who are you ?
I'm polish girl.
3.Where were you from?
We are from Italy
4.Who were you are?
We are Italian.
5. Where I'm come from ?
You are from USA.
6. Who I'm
You are American
Ale w jakim języku ?
<angielski ?>
1. I' m from Poland.
2. I'm Polish.
3. We are from Itally.
5. You are from USA.
6. You are an American. (chyba)