Przetłumacz podane fragmenty zdań: 1. Your phone wouldn't have been cut off (gdybyś zapłaciła rachunek telefoniczny) on time. 2. (Gdy zagotuje się wodę), it turns into a gas. 3. (Gdybyś był bardziej pewny siebie), they would have offered you this position. 4. (Byś może Annie odnosiłaby sukcesy) in life if she hadn't dropped out of school at sixteen. 5. He won't know anything about the party if you (utrzymasz to w tajemnicy). 6. (Gdybyś nie okłamał) to your girlfriend, you wouldn't be in the doghouse now.
1. Your phone wouldn't have been cut off you HAD paid the telephone bill on time. 2. When water IS BOILED, it turns into a gas. 3. If you HAD BEEN more confident, they would have offered you this position. 4. Perhaps Annie would HAVE SUCCEDED life if she hadn't dropped out of school at sixteen. 5. He won't know anything about the party if you keep it a secret 6. If you hadn't lied to your girlfriend, you wouldn't be in the doghouse now
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1. Your phone wouldn't have been cut off you paid the telephone bill on time. 2. When water boils, it turns into a gas. 3. If you were more confident, they would have offered you this position. 4. Perhaps the rest Annie would relate success in life if she hadn't dropped out of school at sixteen. 5. He won't know anything about the party if you keep it a secret 6. If you hadn't lied to your girlfriend, you wouldn't be in the doghouse now.
on time.
2. When water IS BOILED, it turns into a gas.
3. If you HAD BEEN more confident, they would have offered you this position.
4. Perhaps Annie would HAVE SUCCEDED life if she hadn't dropped out of school at sixteen.
5. He won't know anything about the party if you keep it a secret
6. If you hadn't lied to your girlfriend, you wouldn't be in the doghouse now
on time.
2. When water boils, it turns into a gas.
3. If you were more confident, they would have offered you this position.
4. Perhaps the rest Annie would relate success in life if she hadn't dropped out of school at sixteen.
5. He won't know anything about the party if you keep it a secret
6. If you hadn't lied to your girlfriend, you wouldn't be in the doghouse now.