Przetłumacz plisss
Hej Angelika
Co tam u ciebie? U mnie wszystko dobrze .slyszalam ze zamierzasz nauczyc sie jakiegos sportu.?Ja obecnie gram w siatkówę i koszykowke .To jest swietne! mysle ze i tobie by sie to spodobalo. w tech grach wystarczy tylko byc zwinnym a ja wiem ze ty taka jestes. mozesz rowniez grac w pilke nozna lub pluwac to juz od ciebie zalezy. gdy bys chciala zebym ci pomogla w nauce tych sportow to jestem otwarta.a co robisz w weekend?moze bys przyjechala do mnie pogadac? czekam .
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Whatare you?With meall is well.I heardofgoing tolearn asport.? Icurrentlyplay involleyball andbasketball.This isgreat!I think thatandthatyouloved it.intechgamesjustto beagileand Iknowwithyousoyou canalsoplay footballorpluwacitdependson youalready.ifyou would likemehas helped youin learningthesport, I'motwarta.awhat you doon the weekend?byscancome tometo talk?I'm waiting.
Powinno być dobrze.
Whatare you?With meall is well.I heardofgoing tolearn asport.? Icurrentlyplay involleyball andbasketball.This isgreat!I think thatandthatyouloved these gamesyou only need tobeagileand Iknowwithyousoyou canalsoplay footballorswimisalreadyon youdepends.If you would likeme tohelpin learningthesport, I'mopen.andwhat you doon the weekend?Why do not youcometalkto me?I'm waiting.
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