czy łatwo zaprzyjaźniasz się z innymi? jak wygląda twój najlepszy przyjaciel? w czym jesteś dobry? co masz w swoim pokoju? kiedy czujesz się zrelaksowany? co cię najbardziej stresuje? jak się relaksujesz? co chciałabyś w sobie zmienic? czy czasem się złościsz? dlaczego? czy dobrze dogadujesz sie z innymi ludźmi? czy ważne jest wyglądać modnie? co jest ważniejsze: osobowość czy dobry wygląd? jakie ubrania lubisz nosic? w jakich sytuacjach trzeba wyglądać formalnie? czy zazwyczaj zwracasz uwagę na to co inni noszą na sobie?
Do you make friends easily? What does your best friend look like? What are you good at? What do you have in your room? When do you feel relaxed? What makes you feel stressed the most? How do you relax? What would you like to change about yourself? Do you ever get angry? Why? Do you get on well with other people? Is it important to look fashionable? Which one is more important: personality or apperance? What clothes do you like to wear? In what situations should one dress formally? Do you usually pay attention to what other people wear?
Do you make friends easily?
What does your best friend look like?
What are you good at?
What do you have in your room?
When do you feel relaxed?
What makes you feel stressed the most?
How do you relax?
What would you like to change about yourself?
Do you ever get angry? Why?
Do you get on well with other people?
Is it important to look fashionable?
Which one is more important: personality or apperance?
What clothes do you like to wear?
In what situations should one dress formally?
Do you usually pay attention to what other people wear?