Przetłumacz na język angielski: 1.Ten słynny aktor urodził sie w Angli, a dorastał w Stanach Zjednoczonych. 2.Czy oni zamierzają pójść na aukcje i kupić samochód tego sławnego aktora? 3.Czy architekt szedł do domu muzyka, kiedy spotkał prawnika w pobliżu domu kelnera? 4.Czy nauczyłeś się już wszystkich czasowników nieregularnych? Proszę bez translatora i obok przetłumaczonych zdań napisać czas np. Past Simple. Proszę na dzisiaj. :)
The famous actor was born in England and grew up in the United States.Whether they intend to go to auctions and buy a car that the famous actor? 3. architect walked home music, when he met a lawyer near the House waiter? 4. do you have learned already all irregular verbs? Please no translator and translated sentences to write time. Past Simple. Please for today. :)
The famous actor was born in England and grew up in the United States.Whether they intend to go to auctions and buy a car that the famous actor?
3. architect walked home music, when he met a lawyer near the House waiter?
4. do you have learned already all irregular verbs?
Please no translator and translated sentences to write time. Past Simple. Please for today. :)
1. This famous actor was born in England and he grew up in the United States.
2. Are they going to go to the auction and buy this famous actor's car?
3. Was the architect going to the musician's house when he met the lawyer near the waiter's house?
4. Have you already learnt all the irregular verbs?