Przetłumacz na język angielski zdania. Jak pójdę na spacer to wejdę do sklepu.W sklepie kupię chipsy i pobiegnę do parku.Usiądę na ławce i będę jadł.jak będę jadł zobaczy to gołąb.Sfrunie do mnie i go poczęstuję.
WidmorWhen I go for a walk, I will go in to the shop. In the shop I will buy a crisps and I will run to the park. I will sit on the bench and I will eat my crisps. When I will be eating, a pigeon is going to see me. He will come down to me, and I will give him some crisps.
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When I go for a walk, I will go in to the shop. In the shop I will buy a crisps and I will run to the park. I will sit on the bench and I will eat my crisps. When I will be eating, a pigeon is going to see me. He will come down to me, and I will give him some crisps.