Doktor Watson otrzymuje list od Holmesa, by przybył do Boscombe Valley w ważnej sprawie. Czeka na niego na dworcu. Podczas podróży pociągiem, opowiada mu, że zamordowany został Charles McCarthy, który zamieszkiwał farmę należącą do sąsiada - Johna Turnera. Podejrzany jest syn ofiary - James McCarthy, który w dzień zbrodni pokłócił się z ojcem. Powiedział, że jego ojciec przed śmiercią powiedział słowo "a rat", oraz że obok niego widział płaszcz. Nie chce jednak powiedzieć, o co się z nim pokłócił. Sprawę prowadzi inspektor Lestrade. Wraz z Holmesem przesłuchują oni Alice Turner, która mówi, że kłótnia dotyczyła jej - ojciec chciał by James poślubił Alice, jednak ten nie chciał wiązać się na całe życie - potem okazało się, że po pijaku zawarł związek ze starszą kobietą, który jednak był nieważny. Na miejscu zbrodni Holmes odkrywa narzędzie - płaski kamień. Odkrywa, że mordercą jest kulawy mańkut. Słowo "a rat" było częścią nazwy kopalni w Australii, Ballarat, w której majątku dorobił się Turner. Miał on kryminalną przeszłość, kiedyś dokonał napadu na konwój z McCarthym. Ten go szantażował, ale Turner nie spełnił jednego warunku - James nie poślubił Alice. W dzień zbrodni słyszał rozmowę syna z ojcem, a gdy James odszedł, uderzył Charlesa w głowę. James McCarthy ożenił się z Alice, a Turner zmarł siedem miesięcy później.
Dr. Watson receives a letter from Holmes to come to Boscombe Valley in an important case. Waiting for him at the station. When traveling by train, tells him that he was murdered Charles McCarthy, who lived in a farm belonging to a neighbor - John Turner. The suspect is the victim's son - James McCarthy, who on the day of the crime he quarreled with his father. He said his father died, he said, the word "a rat" and that he saw beside him a coat. However, I do not want to say what had quarreled with him. The case is Inspector Lestrade. Along with Holmes, they interrogate Alice Turner, who says that the argument concerned her - the father wanted to marry Alice James, but this would not result in a lifetime - and then it turned out that drunk entered into a relationship with an older woman, who, however, was invalid . At the scene of the crime Holmes discovers the tool - a flat stone. He discovers that the murderer is a lame left-hander. The word "a rat" was part of the name of the mine in Australia, Ballarat, in which Turner made his wealth. He had a criminal past, once made an attack on the convoy of McCarthy. This was blackmailing him, but Turner did not fulfill one condition - James married Alice. On the day of the crime he heard his son talk with his father, and when James left, hit Charles in the head. James McCarthy is married to Alice, and Turner died seven months later.
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Dr. Watson receives a letter from Holmes to come to Boscombe Valley in an important case. Waiting for him at the station. When traveling by train, tells him that he was murdered Charles McCarthy, who lived in a farm belonging to a neighbor - John Turner. The suspect is the victim's son - James McCarthy, who on the day of the crime he quarreled with his father. He said his father died, he said, the word "a rat" and that he saw beside him a coat. However, I do not want to say what had quarreled with him. The case is Inspector Lestrade. Along with Holmes, they interrogate Alice Turner, who says that the argument concerned her - the father wanted to marry Alice James, but this would not result in a lifetime - and then it turned out that drunk entered into a relationship with an older woman, who, however, was invalid . At the scene of the crime Holmes discovers the tool - a flat stone. He discovers that the murderer is a lame left-hander. The word "a rat" was part of the name of the mine in Australia, Ballarat, in which Turner made his wealth. He had a criminal past, once made an attack on the convoy of McCarthy. This was blackmailing him, but Turner did not fulfill one condition - James married Alice. On the day of the crime he heard his son talk with his father, and when James left, hit Charles in the head. James McCarthy is married to Alice, and Turner died seven months later.