Obierz, umyj i ugotuj ziemniaki. Odlej wodę z ziemniaków, oraz je zmiel przez maszynkę do miski. Do miski wsyp niepełną szklankę mąki i mieszamy zawartość miski. Uformuj kulki z ciasta. Na środku zrób dziurkę. Wrzuć je do gotującej się wody. Po trzech minutach wyjmij je z garnka i gotowe!
jakubprzewlocki2003Peel, wash and cook the potatoes. Pour the water from the potatoes, and grind them into a bowl by the razor. Incomplete pour into a bowl and mix one cup of flour contents of the bowl. Form a ball of dough. Make a hole in the middle. Throw them into boiling water. After three minutes, remove them from the pot and you're done!
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Peel, wash and cook potatoes. Drain the water from off the potatoes and grind up them by the mincer. Pour incomplete glass of flour into the bowl and mix it. Form balls from the cake. Make a hole in the middle of cake and boil it. After three minutes you can take them from the bowl, they are ready.
Form balls from the cake. Make a hole in the middle of cake and boil it.
After three minutes you can take them from the bowl, they are ready.