Przetłumacz na język angielski: Alfred (szczur) Alfred jest moim najlepszym przyjacielem, zawsze mogę mu się zwierzyć ze swoich problemów. Nigdy nie mówi o nich nikomu, ani mnie nie obgaduje. Alfred nie należy do tych szczuplejszych, a wręcz przeciwnie, jest bardzo gruby. Fred bardzo lubi jeść, na sam widok jakiegoś smakołyku w mojej dłoni przemienia się niczym Hulk i biegnie z prędkością rozpędzonego Ferrari w moją stronę po czym wdrapuje się na mnie i wyrywa smakołyk z moich rąk. Alfred pomimo swojej wagi uprawia różne sporty i jest w nich dobry. Przykładami takich sportów jest skok wzwyż (rekord 50cm), bieg na 2m oraz skok w dal (rekord 1,25m)
Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc! (nie, tego nie tłumaczyć)
MieszkoLechAlfred (rat) Alfred is my good friend, I can always confide in him from my problems. He is never telling nobody about them, or for me isn't talking over. Alfred isn't involved to of the ones slimmer, on the contrary, is very fat. Fred very much likes the food, to very view of some titbit in my hand is changing like the Hulk and is running with the speed of the accelerated Ferrari to my side and then is climbing up me and is tearing the titbit out from my hands. Alfred in spite of his weight is practising different sports and is good at them. The high jump is examples of such sports (record of 50 centimetres), run for 2 metres and the long jump (record 1.25 metres).
Alfred is my good friend, I can always confide in him from my problems. He is never telling nobody about them, or for me isn't talking over. Alfred isn't involved to of the ones slimmer, on the contrary, is very fat. Fred very much likes the food, to very view of some titbit in my hand is changing like the Hulk and is running with the speed of the accelerated Ferrari to my side and then is climbing up me and is tearing the titbit out from my hands. Alfred in spite of his weight is practising different sports and is good at them. The high jump is examples of such sports (record of 50 centimetres), run for 2 metres and the long jump (record 1.25 metres).