"Aktorstwo to ciężka praca. Czasami dodaje energii, czasami denerwuje. Wymaga świeżości dziecka, ale też odpowiedzialności. Oświeca, wzbogaca, raduje, nudzi. Jest dziwne, diaboliczne- po prostu podniecające. ,,Gra aktorska'' to takie paskudne określenie. Chodzi raczej o dotarcie do pewnej prawdy, do czegoś co nas łączy, do wymiany, kontaktu, który pozwoli nam odkryć prawdę o sobie. Poszukujemy takiej gry, która grą nie będzie. To chyba sedno sprawy gra, która nie jest grą"
klaudyna200203"Acting is hard work. Sometimes energizing, sometimes nervous. It requires the freshness of the child, but also responsibility. Enlightens, enriches, delights, bored. It's strange, diaboliczne- just exciting.,, The acting '' is such a nasty word. It rather about getting to a certain truth, to something that unites us to exchange contact, which will allow us to discover the truth about yourself. we are looking for the game that the game will not. It's probably the crux of the matter a game that is not a game "
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Acting is hard work. Sometimes energizing, sometimes nervous. Requires fresh baby, but also responsibility. Enlightens, enriches, delights, bored. It is strange, diaboliczne- just exciting. ,, The acting '' is such a nasty word. It is more about getting to a certain truth, to something that unites us to exchange contact, which will allow us to discover the truth about himself. We are looking for the game that the game will not. This is probably the crux of the matter a game that is not a game "