Przetłumacz na język angielski: 1.Ile miałeś wypadków, zanim zacząłeś jeździć ostrożnie? 2.Nie uczyłem się angielskiego, zanim przyjechałem do Londynu. 3.Powiedział, że nie widział jeszcze tak rozsądnego polityka. 4. Steve był bardzo dobrym studentem, zanim poznał swoją dziewczynę. 5.Musieliśmy zaoszczędzić 2000$, zanim mogliśmy pojechać do Włoch. 6.Potwierdził, że nigdy wcześniej tam nie był. 7.Kiedy wyszedłem z biura,stwierdziłem, że ktoś ukradł mój samochód. 8.Brownowie byli już tam od kilku dni, kiedy przyjechaliśmy. 9.Nie wiedzieliśmy, że Roger i Mary rozwiedli się. 10.Wywietrzyła pokój, zanim weszliśmy do niego. 11.Wychowała trójkę dzieci, zanim zaczęła tu pracować.
czas jaki trzeba użyć to przeszły i zaprzeszły.
1.How many you had cases, before than you began to ride carefully? 2.I did not study English, before than I arrived to London. 3.Said, that did not see a such reasoning politician yet. 4.Steve was a very good student, before than got to know the girl. 5.We must were economize 2000$, before than we could ride to Italy. 6.Confirmed, that no time vczesniey was not there. 7.When I went out from a bureau, I confirmed, that someone had stolen my car. 8.Brovnovie were already there from a few days, when we arrived. 9.We did not know, that Roger and Mary divorced. 10. nie wiem.. ;/ 11.Educated three of children, before than began here to work.
mam nadzieję, że pomogłam.. pzdr.. :)
1 votes Thanks 0
1. How many crashes you had before you had started to ride carefully? 2. I hadn't learnt English before I came to London. 3. He said that he hadn't seen so rational politician before 4. Steve had been a very good student before he met his girlfriend 5. We had saved 2000 $ before we could go to Italy 6. He confirmed that he hadn't been there 7. When I went out from office I affirmed that someone had stolen my car 8.Browns had been there before while we arrived 9.We didn't know Roger and Mary had separated 10. She had ventilated the room before we came into 11.She had raised 3 children before she started work here
0 votes Thanks 0
1.How much had accidents before they started to drive carefully? 2.Not learned English before I came to London. 3.Powiedział that has not seen yet as a reasonable policy. 4. Steve was a very good student, before he met his girlfriend. 5.We had save $ 2,000, before we go to Italy. 6.Confirmed that never before was not there. 7.Kiedy I left the office, I found that someone stole my car. 8.Brown were already there for several days, when we arrived. 9.No knew that Roger and Mary divorced. 10.Windows room before we went to him. 11.Raised three children before she began work here.
2.I did not study English, before than I arrived to London.
3.Said, that did not see a such reasoning politician yet.
4.Steve was a very good student, before than got to know the girl.
5.We must were economize 2000$, before than we could ride to Italy.
6.Confirmed, that no time vczesniey was not there.
7.When I went out from a bureau, I confirmed, that someone had stolen my car.
8.Brovnovie were already there from a few days, when we arrived.
9.We did not know, that Roger and Mary divorced.
10. nie wiem.. ;/
11.Educated three of children, before than began here to work.
mam nadzieję, że pomogłam..
pzdr.. :)
2. I hadn't learnt English before I came to London.
3. He said that he hadn't seen so rational politician before
4. Steve had been a very good student before he met his girlfriend
5. We had saved 2000 $ before we could go to Italy
6. He confirmed that he hadn't been there
7. When I went out from office I affirmed that someone had stolen my car
8.Browns had been there before while we arrived
9.We didn't know Roger and Mary had separated
10. She had ventilated the room before we came into
11.She had raised 3 children before she started work here
2.Not learned English before I came to London.
3.Powiedział that has not seen yet as a reasonable policy.
4. Steve was a very good student, before he met his girlfriend.
5.We had save $ 2,000, before we go to Italy.
6.Confirmed that never before was not there.
7.Kiedy I left the office, I found that someone stole my car.
8.Brown were already there for several days, when we arrived.
9.No knew that Roger and Mary divorced.
10.Windows room before we went to him.
11.Raised three children before she began work here.
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