5 Wczoraj pracowałem kiedy moja żona gotowała obiad.
6 W zeszłym roku byłem na wakacjach w Hiszpanii.
7 Nie zamierzam jechać na camping w tym roku, zatrzymam się w hotelu.
8 Właśnie skończyłem myć samochód.
9 Wróciłem właśnie z Londynu.
10.Byłem już w Paryżu.
1.I'm going to do some shopping on Saturday. 2.When I was cooking dinner my wife was taking a shower. 3.I just finished reading a book. 4.Tomorrow I go to the dentist. 5.Yesterday I worked when my wife was cooking dinner . 6.Last year I was on holiday in Spain . 7.I'm not going to go camping this year , staying at the hotel. 8.I just finished washing the car . 9.I just got back from London. 10.I've been to Paris.
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1. I'm going to do some shopping next saturday. 2. When i was cooking dinner, my wife was taking a shower. 3. I just finished reading a book. 4. I'm going to dentist tomorrow. 5. Yesterday i was working when my wife was cooking dinner. 6. Last year i was on vacation in Spain. 7. I'm not going camping this year, ill stay in a hotel. 8. I just finished cleaning my car. 9. I just got back from London. 10. I already was in Paris.
2.When I was cooking dinner my wife was taking a shower.
3.I just finished reading a book.
4.Tomorrow I go to the dentist.
5.Yesterday I worked when my wife was cooking dinner .
6.Last year I was on holiday in Spain .
7.I'm not going to go camping this year , staying at the hotel.
8.I just finished washing the car .
9.I just got back from London.
10.I've been to Paris.
2. When i was cooking dinner, my wife was taking a shower.
3. I just finished reading a book.
4. I'm going to dentist tomorrow.
5. Yesterday i was working when my wife was cooking dinner.
6. Last year i was on vacation in Spain.
7. I'm not going camping this year, ill stay in a hotel.
8. I just finished cleaning my car.
9. I just got back from London.
10. I already was in Paris.
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