Przetłumacz na język angielski: 1. Oni nie są wystarczająco dorośli aby pojechać na tą wycieczke. 2. On obiecał mi spotkać się w piątek. 3. Zapomniałem kupić prezentu urodzinowego w zeszłym tygodniu. 4. Mam ochotę napić się dobrej herbaty. 5. Ten samochód jest zbyt drogi żebym mógł go kupić. 6. Ona sprząta dom od rana.
Czekam na odpowiedź! Daję najlepszą odp...
1. they aren't enough adult in order to go on with the one trip. 2. he promised me to meet on Friday. 3. I forgot to buy the birthday present last week. 4. I feel like drinking the good tea. 5. this car is too expensive so that I can buy him. 6. she is cleaning the house from the morning.
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1. They aren't adult enough to go on this trip. 2. He promised me to meet on Friday. 3. I forgot to buy a birthday present last week. 4. I want to drink good tea. 5. This car is too expensive so that I can buy him. 6. She is cleaning the house in the morning.
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1. They aren't enough adult in order to go on with the one wycieczke. 2. he promised me to meet on Friday. 3. I forgot to buy the birthday present last week. 4. I feel like drinking the good tea. 5. this car is too expensive so that I can buy him. 6. she is cleaning the house from the morning
2. he promised me to meet on Friday.
3. I forgot to buy the birthday present last week.
4. I feel like drinking the good tea.
5. this car is too expensive so that I can buy him.
6. she is cleaning the house from the morning.
2. He promised me to meet on Friday.
3. I forgot to buy a birthday present last week.
4. I want to drink good tea.
5. This car is too expensive so that I can buy him.
6. She is cleaning the house in the morning.
2. he promised me to meet on Friday.
3. I forgot to buy the birthday present last week.
4. I feel like drinking the good tea.
5. this car is too expensive so that I can buy him.
6. she is cleaning the house from the morning