1. Głównym bohaterem tej książki jest XXX z Afryki. 2.Autorem tej książki jest XXX YYY. 3. Książka ta bardzo mi się podobała. Uważam ze jest interesująca i polecam, aby ja przeczytać. 4. Książka ta opowiada o afrykańskich niewolnikach, którzy zostali sprzedani, wzięci do niewoli. Możemy się z niej dowiedzieć, jak ważna w życiu człowieka jest wolność. 5. Wybrałam ten fragment książki, ponieważ zawiera on bardzo mądre przesłania i wiele ciekawych scen. 6. Bohaterami są : AAA,BBB, DDD, GGG. 7. Korzystałam ze słownika angielsko- polskiego oraz internetu.
Oczywiscie można troche pozmieniać (byleby treściowo sie zgadzało). Prosze o pomoc!
1st The main protagonist of this book is XXX from Africa. 2.Autorem this book is XXX YYY. 3rd This book I really liked it. I think it is interesting and I would recommend that I read. 4th This book tells the story of African slaves who were sold, captured. We can learn from it as important in human life is freedom.
0 votes Thanks 0
1st The main protagonist of this book is XXX from Africa. 2.Author this book is XXX YYY. 3rd This book I really liked it. I think it is interesting and I would recommend that I read. 4th This book tells the story of African slaves who were sold, captured. We can learn from it as important in human life is freedom. 5th I chose this book excerpt, because it contains a very wise message and many interesting scenes. 6th The protagonists are: AAA, BBB, DDD, GGG. 7th Benefited from English-Polish dictionary and the Internet.
0 votes Thanks 0
1,The main protagonist of this book is XXX from Africa 2,The author of this book is............ 3,The book I really liked it. I think it is interesting and I would recommend that I read. 4,This book tells the story of African slaves who were sold, captured. We can learn from it as important in human life is freedom. 5,I chose this book excerpt, because it contains a very wise message and many interesting scenes. 6,The heroes are............... 7,Benefited from English-Polish dictionary and the Internet.
2.Autorem this book is XXX YYY.
3rd This book I really liked it. I think it is interesting and I would recommend that I read.
4th This book tells the story of African slaves who were sold, captured. We can learn from it as important in human life
is freedom.
2.Author this book is XXX YYY.
3rd This book I really liked it. I think it is interesting and I would recommend that I read.
4th This book tells the story of African slaves who were sold, captured. We can learn from it as important in human life
is freedom.
5th I chose this book excerpt, because it contains a very wise message and many interesting scenes.
6th The protagonists are: AAA, BBB, DDD, GGG.
7th Benefited from English-Polish dictionary and the Internet.
2,The author of this book is............
3,The book I really liked it. I think it is interesting and I would recommend that I read.
4,This book tells the story of African slaves who were sold, captured. We can learn from it as important in human life
is freedom.
5,I chose this book excerpt, because it contains a very wise message and many interesting scenes.
6,The heroes are...............
7,Benefited from English-Polish dictionary and the Internet.