Przetłumacz na język angielski :
1. Dlaczego nie odrabiasz teraz lekcji?
2.Nauczyciel stoi przed tablicą i mówi do uczniów.
3.Kto puka do drzwi?
4.Ojciec wypłaca teraz pieniądze z konta.
5.Mama bawi się teraz z dziećmi .
6.Sekretarka korzysta teraz z komputera .
7.Julia odpowiada teraz na pytania.
8.Czy Ania tłumaczy teraz ten tekst?
9.Kto to dzwoni?
10.Paweł zwiedza teraz zoo.
11.Nie pijemy dzisiaj kawy do śniadania.
Pliss Dam najj !!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Why you aren't doing homework now?
2. The teacher is standing in front of blackboard and is talking to the pupils.
3. Who is knocking to the door?
4. Father is paying the money from account now.
5. Mother is playing with children now.
6. The secretary is using the computer now.
7. Juliet is anwsering for the questions now.
8. Is Ania explaining that text now?
9. Who is calling?
10. Paul is visiting the zoo now.
11. We are not drinking coffee to the breakfast today.
Why you aren't doing homework
Teacher is staying and talking to pupils
Who is knocking to the door?
Dad is drawing money from his account
Mother is playing with kids
Secretary using computer at the moment
Julia is answering questions now
Is Ania explaing text?
Who is calling?
Paweł is visiting zoo
We aren't drinking coffe to breakfast