Przetłumacz na j.angielski!!
Avril Ramona Lavigne (ur. 27 września 1984 r. wBelleville w prowincji Ontario) – kanadyjska piosenkarkapop-rockowa, projektantka mody, aktorka.Obecnie mieszka wLos Angeles. Ma brata Matta, studiującegoelektrotechnikę, oraz siostrę Michelle. Jej ojciec John pracuje w firmie telekomunikacyjnej, a matka Judy jest gospodynią domową.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Avril Ramona Lavigne (born 27 September 1984 wBelleville, Ontario) - Canadian pop-rocksinger, fashion designer and actress. She currently lives in Los Angeles . She has a brother Matt which studying electrical engineering, and sister Michelle. Her father John is working in a telecommunications company, and his mother Judy is a homemaker.
Avril Ramona Lavigne (born on 27th of septemper 1984 in Belleville in Ontario)
Canadian pop-rock singer, fashion designer, actress.
Acually lives in Los Angeles. She's got a brother who is studying electronics and a sister Michelle. Her father works in the phone company and her mother Jud is a housekeeper.