Przetłumacz na j.angielski
a Co robiłeś wczoraj?
b Pojechałem do Gdańska
a Jak była pogoda?
b Było słonecznie ale wietrznie
a Co tam robiłeś?
b Poszedłem do supermarketu
a Czy kupiłeś coś?
b Tak.Kupiłem szalik i rękawiczki
a Czy Kate była z tobą?
b Nie.Ona była w Krakowie
a Czy spotkałeś kogoś?
b Tak. Spotkałem Susan. Po południu obejrzeliśmy film w kinie ,a potem poszliśmy do kawiarni.
a Co tam zamówiliście?-order zamówić :)
b Ja chciałem zjeść kurczaka z frytkami, a susan nie chcała jeść. Ona wypiła cole.
a O której byłeś w domu?
b Byłem w domu o 10 p.m
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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a.What did you do yesterday?
b. I went to Gdansk
a.How was the weather?
b.It was sunny but windy
a.What were you doing there?
b.i went to the supermarket
a.Have you bought something?
b.Yes. I bought a scarf and gloves
a.Is Kate was with you?
b.No. She was in Krakow
a.Did you meet someone?
b.Yes. I met Susan. In the afternoon we watched a movie and then went to the cafe.
a.What order there?
b. I wanted to eat chicken and chips, and Susan did not want to eat. She drank colas
a.What time were you at home?
b. I was at home by 10 p.m.
Nie wiem czy dobrze, ale mysle ze pomoglam
a) What did you yesterday?
b)I went to Gańsk.
a)How was a weather?
b)It was sunny but windy.
a)What were uou doing there?
b)I went to the supermarket.
a)Have you bought something?
b) Yes. I bought scarf and gloves.
a)Is Kate was with you?
b) No. She was in Kraków.
a) Are met you someone?
b)Yes. I met Susan. In the afternoon we watched a movie and then went to the cafe.
a)What there order?
b)I wanted to eat chicken and chips and Susan didn't want to eat.She drank colas.
a)What time were you at home?
b) I was in the house a 10 p.m