Przetłumacz na j. Angielski. W zeszłym tygodni ja wraz ze swoimi kolerzankami byłyśmy na znakomitym filmie po tytułem "Yellowbird". Ten film opowiadał o GUSIE ptaku ,który od urodzenia nie miał dobrego kontaktu z ptakami. W jego otoczeniu znajdywała sie tylko jego przyjaciułka Biedrona. W poźniejszych scenach filu umiera jeden z głównych bohaterów ,który miał za zadanie przeprowadzic ptaki nową drogą przez ocean do ciepłych krajów. Przed śmiercia mówi Gusowi ,że musi przeprowadzić ptaki przez ocean i tłumaczy mu drogę. Naszczęście Gusowi udaje się ich doprowadzić do celu i zostaje okrzykniety bohaterem. Bardzo podoba mi się ten film i zachęcam do obejrzenia.
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I was on amazing film "Yellowbird" with my friends last week. The film told us about bird Gus, who from birth doesn't had good contact with other birds. In his environment was his friend Biedrona. In the later stages of the film dies one of the main heroes, who had the task to perform birds at the new way by the ocean to the warm countries. Before his death he told Gus that he has now perform birds and he shows him the way. Fortunately, Gus goes to bring them to the target and he is hailed as a hero. I like this film very much and recommend you to watch this.
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In last of weeks I along with our friends we were at the outstanding film after with title "Yellowbird". This film told about Gus bird which from birth didn't have a better contact with birds. In surrounding him only his Biedrona friend was. In poźniejszych stages filu one of the main characters is dying which had the task of taking birds with new way through the ocean to warm countries. Before the death he is telling Gus that he must take birds through the ocean and is explaining the road to him. Fortunately Gus is managing to take them at the target and is staying hailed the hero. Very much I like this film and I am encouraging watching.