Przetłumacz na j. angielski 1. ona ma tylko jedną córkę 2. nie zamierzam siedzieć obok ciebie 3. czy możesz usiąść obok mnie? 4. nie wolno ci siedzieć na parapecie(the window sill) 5. musisz nosić koszule częściej 6. sprzątam codziennie 7. nie sprzątam codziennie 8. on sprząta od czasu do czasu 9. on nie sprząta w weekendy 10. rzadko sprzątamy
1. She has got only one daughter. 2. I'm not going to sit next to you. 3. Could you sit down next to me? 4. You mustn't sit on the window sill. 5. You must wear shirts more often. 6. I clean every day. 7. I don't clean every day. 8. He cleans from time to time. 9. He doesn't clean at weekends. 10. We rarely clean (We hardly ever clean).
2. I'm not going to sit next to you.
3. Could you sit down next to me?
4. You mustn't sit on the window sill.
5. You must wear shirts more often.
6. I clean every day.
7. I don't clean every day.
8. He cleans from time to time.
9. He doesn't clean at weekends.
10. We rarely clean (We hardly ever clean).