Przetłumacz na czas present perfect simple:
1) Jak długo znasz Kate?
2) Tom właśnie skończył swoją pracę
3)James nie był nigdy w tym muzeum
4) Brayan nie posprzątał jeszcze pokoju
5) Zgubiła klucze do mojego samochodu i nie moge dostać sie do pracy.
6)Czy Diana zapłaciła już wszystkie rachunki?
7)Dziś rano spotkałam Micheelle w supermarkecie.
8) Czy Kate napisała już list?
9) Czy kiedykolwiek oglądałes ten film z Julią Roberts?
10)Jak dotąd przeczytałam 5 książek tego autora
11)Ostatnio mam problemy w pracy
12)Jak długo uczysz się j angielskiego i niemieckiego?
13) Ta modelka właśnie złamała nogę na wybiegu
14) Czy Greg kupił już prezent dla Kate z okazji urodzin?
15) W tym miesiącu jeszcze nie odwiedziłam babci i dziadka.
16) Czy posprzątałaś już w garażu i ogrodzie?
17) Bob napisał 12 raportów dzisiejszego dnia
18) Czy wybrałaś już sukienkę na wesele Mike i Deizy?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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How long have you known Kate?
Tom has just finished his work.
James hasn't ever been in this museum./James has never been in this museum.
Brayan hasn't tidied up/cleaned (his) room yet.
She has lost my car keys (keys to my car) and I can't go to work.
Has Diana paid all bills yet?
Today morning I have met Micheelle in the supermarket.
Has Kate written a letter yet?
Have you ever watched this film with Julia Roberts?
I have read 5 books of this author so far.
I've had problems in work recently.
How long have you learnt English and German?
This model has just broken her leg in a catwalk.
Has Greg bought a birthday present for Kate yet?
I haven't visited my grandmother and grandfather (my grandparents) this month yet.
Have you cleaned out the garage and the garden yet?
Bob has written 12 reports today (this day).
Have you chosen a dress for Mike&Deizy's wedding yet?
How long have you known Kate?
Tom has just finished his work.
James has never been to this museum.
Bryan hasn't tidied his room yet.
I have lost my car keys and I can't get to work.
Has diana paid all bills yet?
In the morning I have met (seen) Micheelle in the supermarket.
Has Kate written the letter yet?
Have you ever watched a film with Julią Roberts?
I have read 5 books by this author so far.
I have had problems at work recently.
How long have you studied English and German?
This model has just broken her leg in the catwalk.
Has Greg bought a birthday present for Kate yet?
I haven't visited my grandparents this month.
Have you tidied up the garage and the garden yet?
Bob has written 12 reports today.
Have you chosen a dress for Mike and Daisy's wedding yet?
Dodałam tą odpowiedź bo w poprzedniej są drobne błędy, np. w pytaniach musi być YET a nie ALREADY.