Przetłumacz na angielski:
Mój dom jest w centrum .
Czy on ma jakies zwierzęta ?
My pochodzimy z polski.
Ja mam nowy telefon.
W kuchni jest lodówka i kuchenka.
Mój brat ma kota w pokoju .
Ja mam 15 lat.
Salin jest obok kuchni.
W jadalni jest stół i krzesła.
W salonie jest telewizor i wersalka.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My house is in the city center.
Does he have any pets?
We come from Poland.
I have a new phone.
In the kitchen there are the fridge and the cooker.
My brother has the cat in his room.
I'm 15 years old.
Salin is next to the kitchen.
In the dining room there are the table and chairs.
In the sitting-room there are the TV and the sofa.