Mój bohater urodził się w Kanadzie w 1994 roku. Jest piosenkarzem i idolem milionów nastolatków. Justin grał na schodach Avon Theatre, żeby mieć pieniądze na jedzenie. Odkrył go Scooter Braun poprzez filmiki które Justin i jego mama wstawiali na youtube. Gdy Justin miał 16 lat wystąpił na Madison Square Garden. Było to dla niego bardzo wielkie wydarzenie. Wejściówki na koncert wyprzedano w 20 minut. Pomaga milionom ludzi na całym świecie poprzez swoje piosenki, tweety. Chodzi do szpitali do chcorych dzieci. Przeznaczył nawet milion dolarów na odkrycie leku na raka.
My hero was born in Canada in 1994. He is a singer and idol of milions of teenagers. Justin was playing in Avon Theatre in order to earn money for a living. He was discoverd by Scooter Braun owing to films which Justin and his mother were insterting on the YouTube. When Justin was 16 he performed on Madison Square Garden. It was huge event for him. Entrance for the concert were solden in twenty minutes. He helps millions peaople on entire the world thanks to her songs or tweets. He goes to the hospital to meet ill people. He allocated million dollars to discover the cure for the cancer.
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dzięki bardzo a możesz mi jeszcze przetłumaczyć 1 zdanie? bardzo prosze "Nauczył mnie mówić Never Say Never i żeby się nigdy i nie poddaważ i spełniać swoje marzenia, i dzięki niemu spełniło się moje największe marzenie i bardzo mu za to dziękuje"
He taught me to tell "never sey never" , never give up and make your dreams come true. Owing to him my the largest dream has come true and I'm thankful for him.
Justin was playing in Avon Theatre in order to earn money for a living. He was discoverd by Scooter Braun owing to films which Justin and his mother were insterting on the YouTube. When Justin was 16 he performed on Madison Square Garden. It was huge event for him. Entrance for the concert were solden in twenty minutes. He helps millions peaople on entire the world thanks to her songs or tweets. He goes to the hospital to meet ill people. He allocated million dollars to discover the cure for the cancer.
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