Przetłumacz na Angielski Witam Jestem (imię) mam 18 lat. Moim ulubionym klubem piłkarskim jest Manchester United. Kibicem tego zespołu jest od wielu lat. Najbardziej w pamięć zapadł mi tryumf Czerwonych diabłów w lidze mistrzów w sezonie 2008 kiedy to po pasjonującym meczu pokonali w rzutach karny londyńską Chelsea. Po odejściu Sir Alexa Fergusona zespół z Old Trafford początkowo nie mógł się odnaleźć i spisywał się poniżej oczekiwań najwyższą karę poniósł za to trener David Moyes który został zwolniony jeszcze przed końcem sezonu. Wraz z nowym sezonem stanowisko trenera United odjął znakomity trener mający w swoim dorobku olbrzymi staż trenerski i wiele osiągnięć Louis van Gall. Sprowadził on do zespołu wielu znakomitych zawodników, Jednak początkowo Czerwone Diabły spisywały się poniżej oczekiwań. Jednak po pewnym czasie zespół wrócił na właściwą drogę do odzyskania utraconej chwały. Moim ulubionym zawodnikiem ze stadionu Old Trafford jest (....) Bardzo ucieszyłem się kiedy został Pan częścią zespołu.Mam nadzieję, że pomoże Pan przywrócić drużynie Mistrzostwo. Moim marzeniem jest otrzymać od pana autograf,
Hallo, I'm ..........I'm 18 years old. My favourite football team is Manchester United. I have been a fan of this team for many years. The moment I remember the most is the Red Devils' win in 2008 when after a very passionate game they defeated Chelsea on a penalty shootout. At first, after Sir Alex Ferguson left, the team from Old Trafford couldn't adapt in this situation and kept losing. The biggest punishment was given to David Moyes who had been fired by the end of the season. But at the beginning of the new season Louis van Gall became a couch. Because of his amazing experience he was able to bring into the team some highly skilled players. At first, the Red Devils had problems to do their best. But after a while a team started to return on a victory path. My favourite player from the Old Trafford's arena is........... I was extremaly pleased when you became a part of a team. I hope that you will be able to return a championship to this team. My greatest dream is to receive an autograph from you.
I'm ..........I'm 18 years old. My favourite football team is Manchester United. I have been a fan of this team for many years. The moment I remember the most is the Red Devils' win in 2008 when after a very passionate game they defeated Chelsea on a penalty shootout. At first, after Sir Alex Ferguson left, the team from Old Trafford couldn't adapt in this situation and kept losing. The biggest punishment was given to David Moyes who had been fired by the end of the season. But at the beginning of the new season Louis van Gall became a couch. Because of his amazing experience he was able to bring into the team some highly skilled players. At first, the Red Devils had problems to do their best. But after a while a team started to return on a victory path. My favourite player from the Old Trafford's arena is........... I was extremaly pleased when you became a part of a team. I hope that you will be able to return a championship to this team. My greatest dream is to receive an autograph from you.