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Zwyczaje wigilijne
Dzień wigilijny bogaty jest w zwyczaje i zabobony posiadające magiczną moc: jednym z nich był zakaz szycia, tkania, motania i przędzenia. Były to czynności szczególnie lubiane przez demony wody, które mogły zjawić się wszędzie tam, gdzie zakaz złamano. Do dzisiaj przestrzega się, aby w Wigilię nie kłócić się i okazywać sobie wzajemnie życzliwość. Przetrwał też przesąd, że jeśli w wigilijny poranek pierwszym gościem w domu będzie młody chłopiec, przyniesie to szczęśliwy rok. Myśliwi tego dnia tradycyjnie udają się na polowanie, którego pomyślny wynik zapewni opiekę na cały rok patrona łowiectwa św. Huberta.
Nieodłącznym elementem kolacji wigilijnej jest obdarowywanie się prezentami, które w polskiej tradycji przynosi pod choinkę, w zależności od regionu: św. Mikołaj, aniołek lub Gwiazdor. Do tradycji należy równiez rodzinne śpiewanie kolęd. O północy w kościele odbywa się uroczysta msza zwana pasterką.
Wróżby wigilijne
Dzień wigilijny, od rana do wieczora, szczególnie sprzyja wszelkim wrózbom, rytuałom i obyczajom. Folklor polski był pod tym względem szczególnie bogaty i zróznicowany w zależności od regionu.Niektóre zwyczaje zachowały się do dziś.
Tradycja ta wywodzi się z VIII w. Św. Bonifacy, nawracając na chrześcijaństwo pogańskich Franków, kazał ściąć olbrzymi dąb, któremu oddawano cześć. Upadający dąb zniszczył wszystkie pobliskie drzewa oprócz małej sosenki. Święty uznał to za znak niebios, a młode zielone drzewko za symbol Chrystusa i chrześcijaństwa. Zwyczaj ubierania choinki w znanej formie przyszedł do nas z Niemiec na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. Zawieszane na drzewku w wigilię ozdoby i smakołyki nie były dobrane przypadkowo. I tak:
* jabłka symbolizowały zdrowie i urodę,
* orzechy zawijane w złotko miały zapewnić dobrobyt i siły witalne,
* miodowe pierniki - dostatek na przyszły rok,
* opłatek umacniał miłość, zgodę i harmonię w rodzinie,
* łańcuchy wzmacniały rodzinne więzi
* lampki i bombki miały chronić dom od demonów i ludzkiej nieżyczliwości
* gwiazdka na czubku - to pamiątka gwiazdy betlejemskiej oraz znak mający pomagać w powrocie członków rodziny przebywających poza domem,
* dzwonki oznaczały dobre nowiny i radosne wydarzenia w rodzinie
* aniołki - to opiekunowie domu
Propagatorzy starochińskiej sztuki feng shui zalecają zawieszenie na choince drobnych przedmiotów, np. dzwoneczka lub szklanego paciorka, które później można umieścić w swoim pokoju na resztę roku. Będą służyć wspomaganiu harmonii , zdrowia i pomyślności przez wzmocnienie przepływu dobroczynnej energii. Staną się nie tylko ozdobą, ale i naładują się szczególną mocą związaną z drzewkiem, które obdarzamy uczuciem i w którym skupia się najbardziej pozytywna energia świątecznych dni.
Ten satry anglosaski obyczaj znajduje coraz więcej zwolenników również w naszym kraju. Pod jemiołą zakochani całują się, zwaśnione osoby łatwiej sie godzą, a zawarta przyjażń jest trwała. Zgodnie z tradycją gałązki jemioły zawiesza się nad wigilijnym stołem, najpóźniej przed pojawieniem się pierwszej gwiazdki, nad drzwiami frontowymi oraz nad kominkiem lub kuchnią. Wigilijny pęk jemioły należy trzymać przez cały rok, bo inaczej jej dobroczynna moc zniknie.
Wigilijne przesądy
1. W tym dniu nie należy się sprzeczać, kłócić ani płakać, bo niezgoda i smutek będą częste w domu aż do następnej Wigilii.
2. Zachorowanie lub zranienie się zapowiada słabe zdrowie przez cały rok
3. Jeżeli Wigilię pierwszy przyjdzie lub zatelefonuje mężczyzna to szczęście dle tego domu, a jeśli kobieta-to choroba lub inne niepomyślne zdarzenie.
4. Podczas wieczerzy wigilijnej nie należy zbyt dużo mówić czy przerywać innym, aby w przyszłym roku nie kłócić się i nie wyjawiać powierzonych sekretów.
Wigilijne obyczaje
1. Dzielenie się opłatkiem zapewnia dostatek chleba w przyszłym roku oraz symbolizuje zgodę, wybaczenie i puszczenie niepamięć wszystkich urazów.
2. Nie nalezy wstawać zza stołu w trakcie posiłku. Zakaz ten nie dotyczy gospodyni lub innej osoby podającej do stołu.
3. Do stołu należy siadać według starszeństwa, aby i schodzic z tego świata w takiej kolejności.
4. Liczba potraw powinna byc nieparzysta.
5. Każdą potrawę należy chociażby spróbować, aby jej nie zabrakło na stole w przyszłym roku.
6. W tym dniu obowiązuje zasada: "Jak w Wigilię, tak i przez cały rok".
Dlatego dobrze jest zabrać się rano do nieuciążliwej pracy, aby być zdrowym, rześkim i pracowitym przez cały rok. Nie należy się też przemęczać.
Wigilijne wróżby
1. Jeżeli chcesz się przekonać, czy w nowym roku zakochasz się, zjedz jabłko i policz pestki. Jeśli liczba pestek jest parzysta, to odpowiedź jest pozytywna, a jeśli pestek będzie więcej niż sześć, to twoje szczęście będzie podwójne.
2. Przywłaszczenie sobie jakiegoś drobiazgu przynosi szczeście przez cały rok. Oczywiście rzecz trzeba właścicielowi w jakiś sposób niepostrzeżenie podrzucić. Nie należy natomiast niczego swojego pożyczać, bo wróży to straty.
3. Wszelkie długi, w miarę możliwości, wskazane jest do Wigilii zwrócić.
4. Dobrze jest miec podczas wieczerzy nawet drobną sumę pieniędzy, aby nie cierpieć na ich brak przez cały rok.
5. Łuski z karpia spożytego podczas wieczerzy wigilijnej, noszone w potrmonetce przez cały rok, przyciągną pieniądze.
Przepowiadanie pogody na następny rok
Od pasterki, czyli pierwszego dnia świąt(25 grudnia), aż do 6 stycznia, czyli święta Trzech Króli, trwa okres zwany potocznie dwunastnicą. Przez dwanaście kolejnych dni można wróżyć, jaka będzie pogoda w nadchodzących dwunastu miesiącach. A więc: 25 grudnia przepowiada pogodę na styczeń, 26 na luty, 27 na marzec, 28 na kwiecień itd.
Dzięki :)
Inherent in the Christmas Eve dinner is giving is the gifts, which brings in the Polish tradition of Christmas, depending on the region: St. Santa, angel and Santa Claus. To be also a family tradition of singing Christmas carols. At midnight in the church is a solemn mass called a shepherdess.
Predictions Christmas
Christmas day, from morning to night, especially supports all wrózbom, rituals and mores. Polish folklore in this regard was particularly rich and varied depending on the habits regionu.Niektóre survived to this day.
Christmas Tree
This tradition derives from the eighth century church. Boniface, converting to Christianity the pagan Franks, had cut a huge oak, which worshiped. Declining oak trees nearby destroyed all but a small sosenki. Holy considered this as a sign of the heavens, and the young green sapling as a symbol of Christ and Christianity. The custom of dressing a Christmas tree in a known form came to us from Germany at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Suspended on the eve of the tree ornaments and delicacies were not chosen randomly. And so:
* Apples symbolized health and beauty,
* Nuts wrapped in honey had the wealth and vitality,
* Honey cakes - plenty for next year,
* Wafer strengthen love, concord and harmony in the family,
* Chains reinforce family ties
* Lights and baubles were to protect the house from demons and human hostility
* Asterisk on the top - this memorial and sign the star of Bethlehem to help with the return of family members living outside the home,
* Bells meant good news and joyful events in the family
* Angels - the guardians of the house
Starochińskiej exponents of the art of feng shui recommend suspension for a Christmas tree of small objects, such as a glass bell or prayers, which then can be placed in your room for the rest of the year. Will serve to assist harmony, health and prosperity by strengthening the flow of energy charity. They will not only pride, but charge a specific effect related to the tree, which bestow a feeling and that focuses on positive energy most festive days.
The Anglo-Saxon custom satry is also more and more supporters in our country. Lovers kissing under the mistletoe is warring people are easier to reconcile, and concluded friendship is lasting. According to tradition, branches of mistletoe hangs over the Christmas table, before the advent of the first stars, the front door and over the fireplace or kitchen. Christmas Eve, a bunch of mistletoe should be held throughout the year, otherwise its benevolent power disappears.
Christmas Eve superstitions
1. That day is not to argue, argue, or cry, for discord and sadness are common in the home until the next Christmas Eve.
2. Affected or injury to announce poor health throughout the year
3. If Christmas comes first or call a lucky man dle of the house, and if the woman is a disease, or other unfortunate event.
4. During Christmas Eve should not be too much talk and interrupt others, for next year did not argue and did not reveal the secrets entrusted.
Christmas traditions
1. Sharing the wafer provides a wealth of bread in the next year and symbolizes the agreement, forgiving and releasing all the oblivion of injuries.
2. Should not get up from the table during the meal. This prohibition does not apply to the hostess or other person administering the table.
3. To the table to sit down by age, and get down to this world in that order.
4. Number of meals should be odd.
5. Each dish should even try, so it does not run out on the table next year.
6. On that date, the following applies: "How on Christmas Eve, so throughout the year."
Therefore, it is good to take in the morning for a lightweight work to be healthy, brisk and busy throughout the year. Do not overwork it.
Christmas divination
1. If you want to know whether the new year to fall in love, eat an apple and count the seeds. If the number of pips is even, then the answer is positive, and if the seeds will be more than six, then your happiness will be double.
2. Misappropriation of a trifle brings happiness throughout the year. Of course, the owner must somehow imperceptibly podrzucić. It should not be anything but your loan, because it spells the loss.
3. All debts, as far as possible, it is advisable to ask Eve.
4. It is good to have supper when even a small sum of money, not to suffer for their absence throughout the year.
5. Scales of carp consumed during Christmas Eve, potrmonetce worn throughout the year, attract money.
Preaching forecast for next year
From the midnight mass, which is the first day of Christmas (December 25) until January 6, Epiphany or Christmas, it takes a period popularly called the duodenum. For twelve consecutive days, you can foretell what will the weather in the coming twelve months. So: December 25, predicts the weather for January, 26 in February, 27 in March, 28 April, etc.
Przetłumaczyłam w translatorze,ale nie wiedzę żadnych dziwnych słów... :))
Inherent in the Christmas Eve dinner is giving is the gifts, which brings in the Polish tradition of Christmas, depending on the region: St. Santa, angel and Santa Claus. To be also a family tradition of singing Christmas carols. At midnight in the church is a solemn mass called a shepherdess.
Predictions Christmas
Christmas day, from morning to night, especially supports all wrózbom, rituals and mores. Polish folklore in this regard was particularly rich and varied depending on the habits regionu.Niektóre survived to this day.
Christmas Tree
This tradition derives from the eighth century church. Boniface, converting to Christianity the pagan Franks, had cut a huge oak, which worshiped. Declining oak trees nearby destroyed all but a small sosenki. Holy considered this as a sign of the heavens, and the young green sapling as a symbol of Christ and Christianity. The custom of dressing a Christmas tree in a known form came to us from Germany at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Suspended on the eve of the tree ornaments and delicacies were not chosen randomly. And so:
* Apples symbolized health and beauty,
* Nuts wrapped in honey had the wealth and vitality,
* Honey cakes - plenty for next year,
* Wafer strengthen love, concord and harmony in the family,
* Chains reinforce family ties
* Lights and baubles were to protect the house from demons and human hostility
* Asterisk on the top - this memorial and sign the star of Bethlehem to help with the return of family members living outside the home,
* Bells meant good news and joyful events in the family
* Angels - the guardians of the house
Starochińskiej exponents of the art of feng shui recommend suspension for a Christmas tree of small objects, such as a glass bell or prayers, which then can be placed in your room for the rest of the year. Will serve to assist harmony, health and prosperity by strengthening the flow of energy charity. They will not only pride, but charge a specific effect related to the tree, which bestow a feeling of focus and where the most positive energy
Christmas days.
The Anglo-Saxon custom satry is also more and more supporters in our country. Lovers kissing under the mistletoe is warring people are easier to reconcile, and concluded friendship lasted
. According to tradition, branches of mistletoe hangs over the Christmas table, before the advent of the first stars, the front door and over the fireplace or kitchen. Christmas Eve, a bunch of mistletoe should be held throughout the year, otherwise its benevolent power disappears.
Christmas Eve superstitions
1. That day is not to argue, argue, or cry, for discord and sadness are common in the home until the next Christmas Eve.
2. Affected or injury to announce poor health throughout the year
3. If Christmas comes first or call a lucky man dle of the house, and if the woman is a disease, or other unfortunate event.
4. During Christmas Eve should not be too much talk and interrupt others, for next year did not argue and did not reveal the secrets entrusted.
Christmas traditions
1. Sharing the wafer provides a wealth of bread in the next year and symbolizes the agreement, forgiving and releasing all the oblivion of injuries.
2. Should not get up from the table during a meal
. This prohibition does not apply to the hostess or other person administering the table.
3. To the table to sit down by age, and get down to this world in that order.
4. Number of meals should be odd.
5. Each dish should even try, so it does not run out on the table next year.
6. On that date, the following applies: "How on Christmas Eve, so throughout the year."
Therefore, it is good to take in the morning for a lightweight work to be healthy, brisk and busy throughout the year. Do not overwork it.
Christmas divination
1. If you want to know whether the new year to fall in love, eat an apple and count the seeds. If the number of pips is even, then the answer is positive, and if the seeds will be more than six, then your happiness will be double.
2. Misappropriation of a trifle brings happiness throughout the year. Of course, the owner must somehow imperceptibly podrzucić. It should not be anything but your loan, because it spells the loss.
3. All debts, as far as possible, it is advisable to ask Eve.
4. It is good to have supper when even a small sum of money, not to suffer for their absence throughout the year.
5. Scales of carp consumed during Christmas Eve, potrmonetce worn throughout the year, attract money
Preaching forecast for next year
From the midnight mass, which is the first day of Christmas
(25 December) until January 6, Epiphany or Christmas, it takes a period popularly called the duodenum. For twelve consecutive days, you can foretell what will the weather in the coming twelve months. So: December 25, predicts the weather for January, 26 in February, 27 in March, 28 April, etc.
Christmas - eve rich day is in customs and possessing magic power superstitions: the prohibition of sewing of, weaving, spooling was one of them and spinning. They were then the particularly popular actions by demons of the water which could appear everywhere there it where the prohibition was smashed was. It it it to today was warned was was, to in Eve to does not quarrel and to show me kindness mutually. Superstition survived also, that if young boy in Christmas - eve morning first guest in house will be, it will bring this happy year. Hunters of this day are successful traditionally on the hunting I which favourable result will assure will grill on whole year of patron of hunting Hubert's św..
It is the inseparable element of Christmas - eve supper the obdarowywanie the presents which in Polish tradition brings under Christmas tree, in dependence from region: św. Nicolaus, little angel or Star. To tradition one should family równiez singing carols. Solemn called Christmas midnight mass mass about midnight in church be holds.
Christmas - eves divination
Christmas - eve day, since morning till evening, every wrózbom favours particularly, rituals and customs. Polish folklore was under this regard particularly rich and zróznicowany in dependence from region.Some customs kept to today.
Christmas tree
It tradition this descends from VIII in. Św. It Bonifacy, which turning back on Christianity of pagan Francs gigantic oak told to cut, was has given back was hi. Falling oak destroyed except small sosenki all nearby trees. Holy he recognise for sign of heavens this, and young green sapling for Christ's symbol and Christianity. The custom of dressing in well-known form Christmas tree came to us from Germanys on breakthrough XVIII and XIX in. Hung on sapling in eve of decoration the and delicacies they did not be well-chosen accidentally. And so:
* apples symbolise health and beauty,
* wrapped up in honey nuts had to assure prosperity and vital strengths,
* honey ginger - breads - affluence on they next years,
* wafer strengthened love, agreement and harmony in family,
* chains strengthened family it detains
* lamp and glass balls had to protect from demons house and human unkindness
* the star on tip - then the souvenir of Betlehem star as well as to help in return of members of family the having sign spending beyond house,
* bells marked good news and joyful events in family
* the little angels - this opiekunowie of house
The propagators the starochińskiej of art the feng the shui recommend on Christmas tree of changes of objects suspension, np. the dzwoneczka or the glass bead we which later can place in one's room on the rest of year. They will serve the aid of harmony , health and the good luck by strengthener the flow of charitable energy. They will stand up with not only decoration, but and they load with special power connected from sapling which bestow feeling and in which the the most positive energy of holiday days concentrates.
This satry Anglo-Saxon custom finds more and more followers in our country also. Under mistletoe enamoured they kiss, set at odds persons sie more easily reconcile and contained przyjażń is durable. It with tradition of mistletoe's twig hangs over Christmas - eve table peaceably, the latest before appearing first star, over front doors as well as over fireplace or kitchen. It was one should keep by whole year mistletoe's Christmas - eve bunch, because differently her charitable power will disappear.
Christmas - eves superstitions
It it 1. In this day was not one should was argue, brawl nor cry, because disagreement and they will be sadness frequent in house until to next Eve.
2. Falling ill or injury announces by whole year weak health
3. If Eve first will come or the man will phone this the happiness dle of this house, and if the woman - then the disease or different unsuccessful event.
It 4. During Christmas - eve supper was not one should tell sale a lot of or interrupt with different, to in future year does not quarrel and does not reveal charged secrets.
Christmas - eves customs
1. Division oneself the affluence of bread assures in future year with wafer as well as it symbolise the agreement, forgiveness and letting go oblivion of all injuries.
2. Not to get up from behind table nalezy in track of meal. Prohibition this does not concern hostess or different server to table person.
It it 3. To table was one should was sit according to seniority, to and schodzic from this world in such order.
4. Number should aftermath odd byc.
It 5. was one should Every dish though they would taste, to it did not lack her on table in future year.
6. In this day is in force principle: "How in Eve, so and by whole year".
Therefore morning is take to not burdensome work well, to to be healthy, brisk and hard-working by whole year. It not was one should oneself overstrain also.
Christmas - eves divination
1. If you want to convince, or in new year you will fall in love, eat apple and count stone. If the number of stones is even, then answer is positive, and if it will be stones more than six, then your happiness will be double.
2. Appropriation brings me some trinket szczeście by whole year. One should thing owner in some way imperceptibly throw up obviously. It it was not one should was however anything his lend, because it foretells then loss.
3. Every debts it, in measure of possibility, be indicated to Eve to turn.
4. is during supper miec the even small sum of money Well, to to does not suffer on their lack by whole year.
5. Scale with spożyć during Christmas - eve supper carp, carried in potrmonetce by whole year, money will attract.
Prophesying on next year weather
From Christmas midnight mass, that is first day of holidays(25 December), until till 6 January, that is holiday Three Króli, called period lasts commonly the duodenum. By twelf next days can to foretell, what will be weather in coming twelf months. And so: It 25 December prophesies on January weather, 26 on solders, 27 on March, 28 on April itd.