Przetłumacz na angielski: 1.Myśle że będziemy mieszkać w hotelu ponieważ jest bardzo tanio i nowocześnie. 2. Pójdziemy do muzeum lub teatru. 3.Proponuję zjeść coś w restauracji ponieważ jest 4. Chcę kupić nowego psa. Ona ma być mały i czarny. Ma mieć niebieskie oczy. Chcę go kupić ponieważ kocham psy i mam dużo wolnego czasu. Ja muszę wychodzić z nim na spacery, dbać o niego i dawać mu specjalne jedzenie. Wszyscy członkowie rodziny są zadowoleni że będę miał nowego psa. 5.Chcę ci pomóc w nauce języka polskiego. Cena kursu to dwadzieścia dalarów za godzinę. My będzie się uczyć nowych słówek, czytać teksty i rozmawiać po polsku. Czemu chcesz się uczyć polskiego?
1.I think that we will stay in a hotel, because is very cheap and modern. 2.We will go to the museum or the theatre. 3.I suggest that we eat in a restaurant because it is... 4.I want tu buy a new dog,It has to be black and white. It needs to have blue eyes.I want to buy it, because I love dogs and I have a lot of free time.I have to take it for walks ,take care of it and give it special food. All member in my family are pleased that I will have a new dog. 5.I want to help you in learning Polish. The course price is twenty dollars per hour .We will learn new words,read texts and speak Polish.Why do you want learn Polish?
2 votes Thanks 1
1.I think that we will stay in the hotel because is very cheap and modern. 2.We will go to museum or theater. 3.I propose to eat in restaurant because is... 4.I want tu buy new dog,She has to be white and black.She has to have blue eyes.I wanna buy him because I love dogs and I have a lot of free time.I must go out with him for a walk,take care of him and give a special food for him. All familly members are pleased taht thay will have new dog. 5.I want to help you in learning language Polish.Price of exchange is twenty dollars per hour .We will learn new words,read texts and talking speak Polish.Why do you want learn speak Polish?
2.We will go to the museum or the theatre.
3.I suggest that we eat in a restaurant because it is...
4.I want tu buy a new dog,It has to be black and white. It needs to have blue eyes.I want to buy it, because I love dogs and I have a lot of free time.I have to take it for walks ,take care of it and give it special food.
All member in my family are pleased that I will have a new dog.
5.I want to help you in learning Polish. The course price is twenty dollars per hour .We will learn new words,read texts and speak Polish.Why do you want learn Polish?
2.We will go to museum or theater.
3.I propose to eat in restaurant because is...
4.I want tu buy new dog,She has to be white and black.She has to have blue eyes.I wanna buy him because I love dogs and I have a lot of free time.I must go out with him for a walk,take care of him and give a special food for him.
All familly members are pleased taht thay will have new dog.
5.I want to help you in learning language Polish.Price of exchange is twenty dollars per hour .We will learn new words,read texts and talking speak Polish.Why do you want learn speak Polish?