Przetłumacz na angielski: 17. Proponuję mieszkać w hotelu ponieważ jest tani, nowoczesny i komfortowy. Obsługa jest bardzo miła i uprzejma. 18. Cena biletu jest mała to znaczy dwadzieścia dolarów za osobę. 19. Musimy porozmawiać o spektaklu teatralnym z okazji dnia kobiet. Proponuję siedzieć w pierwszym rzędzie ponieważ najwięcej tam zobaczymy. 20. Gdzie będziemy siedzieć? 21.Musimy porozmawiać o wynajęciu naszego mieszkania. Ja proponuję 700 dolarów za miesiąc. Co o tym sądzisz? W mieszkaniu są 3 pokoje, kuchnia i łazienka. Mieszkanie znajduje się w centrum miasta. Jest blisko do galerii handlowej. W mieszkaniu znajduje się lodówka, zmywarka, stół, krzesła i tv. 22. Co o tym sądzisz? 23. Wrócą do domu i będą odpoczywać. 24. On patrzy przed siebię.
1. I suggest that stay in a hotel, as it is cheap, modern and comfortable. The service is very nice and kind / polite. 2. The ticket price is low, which is twenty dollars per person. 3. We need to talk about a theatre performance on the occasion of the Women's Day. I suggest that we sit in the first row, since form that place we can see the most. 4. When are we going to sit? 5. We need to talk about renting our flat. I'm thinking about 700 dollars per month. What do you think about that? There are 3 rooms, a kitchen and bathroom in the flat. The flat is located in the city centre. It is nearby a shopping centre. There is a fridge, a dishwasher, a table, chairs and a TV in the flat. 6. What do you think about that? 7. They will come back home and relax. 8. He is looking ahead of him.
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messi7000 Odp: I suggest that stay in a hotel, it is che ap, modern and comfortabe. The service is very nice and kind .The ticket price low, which twenty dollars per person.We need to talk about a theatre performance on the occasion of the women Day. I suggest that we sit in the first row, since form that place we can see the most.When are we going to sit?We need to talk about renting our flat. I'm thinking about seidemset dollars per month. What do you think about that? There are 3 rooms, a kitchen and bathroom in the flat. The flat is located in the city centre. It is nearby a shopping centre. There is a fridge, a dishwasher, a table, chairs and a TV in the flat. What do you think about that?They will come back home and relax.He's looking ah ead him.
2. The ticket price is low, which is twenty dollars per person.
3. We need to talk about a theatre performance on the occasion of the Women's Day. I suggest that we sit in the first row, since form that place we can see the most.
4. When are we going to sit?
5. We need to talk about renting our flat. I'm thinking about 700 dollars per month. What do you think about that? There are 3 rooms, a kitchen and bathroom in the flat. The flat is located in the city centre. It is nearby a shopping centre. There is a fridge, a dishwasher, a table, chairs and a TV in the flat.
6. What do you think about that?
7. They will come back home and relax.
8. He is looking ahead of him.