Przetłumacz na angielski 1 my spieszymy się teraz do kina 2 czy ich brat ma trochę czasu po południu? 3 ja nie jestem sąsiadem pana Hensona 4 pani Silver nakrywa teraz stół do obiadu 5 na stole w kuchni znajduje się butelka mleka 6 córka pani Black nie jest nieśmiała 7 czyje są tamte kolorowe piłki? 8 rodzina Dicka idzie teraz do parku 9 pokój waszej córki jest bardzo przyjemny 10 pan Grey stoi teraz w kuchni i rozmawia ze swoją żoną
1. We are hurrying to the cinema. 2. Does their brother have little time in the afternoon? 3. I'm not a neighbour of Mr. Henson. 4. Mrs Silver is setting the table for dinner. 5. There is a bottle of milk on the table in the kitchen. 6. The daughter of Mrs Black isn't shy. 7. Whose are those colored balls? 8. Dick Family is going to the park. 9. Your daughter room is very pleasant. 10. Mr. Grey is standing in the kitchen and talking with his wife.
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1. We hurry now to the cinema 2. Their brother has a little time in the afternoon? 3. I am not a neighbor of Mr. Henson 4. Mrs Silver tops now table for dinner 5.On the kitchen table is a bottle of milk 6. Daughter of Mrs. Black is not shy 7. Whose are those colored balls? 8 .Family dick now goes to the park 9. Room your daughter is very pleasant 10 .Mr. Grey is now in the kitchen and talking with his wife
2. Does their brother have little time in the afternoon?
3. I'm not a neighbour of Mr. Henson.
4. Mrs Silver is setting the table for dinner.
5. There is a bottle of milk on the table in the kitchen.
6. The daughter of Mrs Black isn't shy.
7. Whose are those colored balls?
8. Dick Family is going to the park.
9. Your daughter room is very pleasant.
10. Mr. Grey is standing in the kitchen and talking with his wife.
2. Their brother has a little time in the afternoon?
3. I am not a neighbor of Mr. Henson
4. Mrs Silver tops now table for dinner
5.On the kitchen table is a bottle of milk
6. Daughter of Mrs. Black is not shy
7. Whose are those colored balls?
8 .Family dick now goes to the park
9. Room your daughter is very pleasant
10 .Mr. Grey is now in the kitchen and talking with his wife