Przetłumacz krótkie opowiadanie na j.angielski
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Kiedy byłam mała, spotykało mnie dużo nieprzyjemnych wypadków. Jednym z nich był pożar domu mojej babci. Babcia i ja każdego wakacyjnego wieczory siadałyśmy przy kominku i czytałyśmy rózne bajki i artykuły. Pewnego wieczoru siedząc przy rozpalonym kominku i czytając, do pokoju wbiegł czarny kot. Był tak przestraszony, że nie widział, że w kominku pali się ogień i wbiegł do niego. Z kominka wybiegł z palącym się ogonem. Pobiegł szybko do stodoły. Po kilku sekundach cała stodoła płonęła. Wezwałyśmy z babcią szybko straż, a same oddaliłyśmy się od domu. Babcia bardzo płakała, a ja ją pocieszałam. Na szczęście wszystko skończyło się dobrze i obeszło się bez przyjazdu i pomocy ambulansu. Ucierpiał tylko kot, który jest teraz do połowy łysy.
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When I was a child a lot of unpleasant accidents happened to me. One of them was the fire in my grandmother's house. We were used to sitting nearly fireplace every summer evening and reading books and newspapers. One day when we were sitting and reading beside fireplace unexpectable the black cat came into our room. He was really scared and he didn't realise that in fireplace was burning fire. From fireplace he ran with burning tail. He ran very fast to the barn. After few seconds whole barn started burning.
We called for fire brigade and we retired from house. My grandma was crying and I was cheering her. Fortunately everything finished good and we didn't need intervention of ambulance. Only the cat is half-bald since that accident.
When I was little, alot of unpleasant incidents happened to me. One of them was a fire in my grandmothers house. My grandmother and me were reading various articles and fairy tales by the fire-side. One evening, while we were sitting by the fire-side and reading, a black cant ran into the room. It was so frightened that he failed to notice fire in the fire-side, and he ran into it. The cat jumped out of the fire with his tail burning, and quickly ran into the barn. The whole barn was burning after a few seconds. Together with grandma, we quickly called the fire brigade, while we moved away from the house. Grandma was crying alot, and was trying to confort her. Fortunately, all ended well with no need of ambulance to come. Only the cat was hurt, and is now half-bald.